# This file is automatically generated by Keystone, do not modify it manually. # Modify your Keystone config when you want to change this. type User { id: ID! name: String email: String password: PasswordState posts( where: PostWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [PostOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: PostWhereUniqueInput ): [Post!] postsCount(where: PostWhereInput! = {}): Int moments( where: MomentWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [MomentOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: MomentWhereUniqueInput ): [Moment!] momentsCount(where: MomentWhereInput! = {}): Int events( where: EventWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [EventOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: EventWhereUniqueInput ): [Event!] eventsCount(where: EventWhereInput! = {}): Int isAdmin: Boolean isEditor: Boolean createdAt: DateTime } type PasswordState { isSet: Boolean! } scalar DateTime @specifiedBy(url: "https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3339#section-5.6") input UserWhereUniqueInput { id: ID email: String } input UserWhereInput { AND: [UserWhereInput!] OR: [UserWhereInput!] NOT: [UserWhereInput!] id: IDFilter name: StringFilter email: StringFilter posts: PostManyRelationFilter moments: MomentManyRelationFilter events: EventManyRelationFilter isAdmin: BooleanFilter isEditor: BooleanFilter createdAt: DateTimeNullableFilter } input IDFilter { equals: ID in: [ID!] notIn: [ID!] lt: ID lte: ID gt: ID gte: ID not: IDFilter } input StringFilter { equals: String in: [String!] notIn: [String!] lt: String lte: String gt: String gte: String contains: String startsWith: String endsWith: String mode: QueryMode not: NestedStringFilter } enum QueryMode { default insensitive } input NestedStringFilter { equals: String in: [String!] notIn: [String!] lt: String lte: String gt: String gte: String contains: String startsWith: String endsWith: String not: NestedStringFilter } input PostManyRelationFilter { every: PostWhereInput some: PostWhereInput none: PostWhereInput } input MomentManyRelationFilter { every: MomentWhereInput some: MomentWhereInput none: MomentWhereInput } input EventManyRelationFilter { every: EventWhereInput some: EventWhereInput none: EventWhereInput } input BooleanFilter { equals: Boolean not: BooleanFilter } input DateTimeNullableFilter { equals: DateTime in: [DateTime!] notIn: [DateTime!] lt: DateTime lte: DateTime gt: DateTime gte: DateTime not: DateTimeNullableFilter } input UserOrderByInput { id: OrderDirection name: OrderDirection email: OrderDirection isAdmin: OrderDirection isEditor: OrderDirection createdAt: OrderDirection } enum OrderDirection { asc desc } input UserUpdateInput { name: String email: String password: String posts: PostRelateToManyForUpdateInput moments: MomentRelateToManyForUpdateInput events: EventRelateToManyForUpdateInput isAdmin: Boolean isEditor: Boolean createdAt: DateTime } input PostRelateToManyForUpdateInput { disconnect: [PostWhereUniqueInput!] set: [PostWhereUniqueInput!] create: [PostCreateInput!] connect: [PostWhereUniqueInput!] } input MomentRelateToManyForUpdateInput { disconnect: [MomentWhereUniqueInput!] set: [MomentWhereUniqueInput!] create: [MomentCreateInput!] connect: [MomentWhereUniqueInput!] } input EventRelateToManyForUpdateInput { disconnect: [EventWhereUniqueInput!] set: [EventWhereUniqueInput!] create: [EventCreateInput!] connect: [EventWhereUniqueInput!] } input UserUpdateArgs { where: UserWhereUniqueInput! data: UserUpdateInput! } input UserCreateInput { name: String email: String password: String posts: PostRelateToManyForCreateInput moments: MomentRelateToManyForCreateInput events: EventRelateToManyForCreateInput isAdmin: Boolean isEditor: Boolean createdAt: DateTime } input PostRelateToManyForCreateInput { create: [PostCreateInput!] connect: [PostWhereUniqueInput!] } input MomentRelateToManyForCreateInput { create: [MomentCreateInput!] connect: [MomentWhereUniqueInput!] } input EventRelateToManyForCreateInput { create: [EventCreateInput!] connect: [EventWhereUniqueInput!] } type Image { id: ID! caption: String image: ImageFieldOutput createdAt: DateTime } type ImageFieldOutput { id: ID! filesize: Int! width: Int! height: Int! extension: ImageExtension! url: String! } enum ImageExtension { jpg png webp gif } input ImageWhereUniqueInput { id: ID } input ImageWhereInput { AND: [ImageWhereInput!] OR: [ImageWhereInput!] NOT: [ImageWhereInput!] id: IDFilter caption: StringFilter createdAt: DateTimeNullableFilter } input ImageOrderByInput { id: OrderDirection caption: OrderDirection createdAt: OrderDirection } input ImageUpdateInput { caption: String image: ImageFieldInput createdAt: DateTime } input ImageFieldInput { upload: Upload! } """ The `Upload` scalar type represents a file upload. """ scalar Upload input ImageUpdateArgs { where: ImageWhereUniqueInput! data: ImageUpdateInput! } input ImageCreateInput { caption: String image: ImageFieldInput createdAt: DateTime } type Asset { id: ID! caption: String url: String type: AssetTypeType createdAt: DateTime } enum AssetTypeType { video audio } input AssetWhereUniqueInput { id: ID } input AssetWhereInput { AND: [AssetWhereInput!] OR: [AssetWhereInput!] NOT: [AssetWhereInput!] id: IDFilter caption: StringFilter url: StringFilter type: AssetTypeTypeNullableFilter createdAt: DateTimeNullableFilter } input AssetTypeTypeNullableFilter { equals: AssetTypeType in: [AssetTypeType!] notIn: [AssetTypeType!] not: AssetTypeTypeNullableFilter } input AssetOrderByInput { id: OrderDirection caption: OrderDirection url: OrderDirection type: OrderDirection createdAt: OrderDirection } input AssetUpdateInput { caption: String url: String type: AssetTypeType createdAt: DateTime } input AssetUpdateArgs { where: AssetWhereUniqueInput! data: AssetUpdateInput! } input AssetCreateInput { caption: String url: String type: AssetTypeType createdAt: DateTime } type Post { id: ID! slug: String title: String cover: Image description: String assets( where: AssetWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [AssetOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: AssetWhereUniqueInput ): [Asset!] assetsCount(where: AssetWhereInput! = {}): Int images( where: ImageWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [ImageOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: ImageWhereUniqueInput ): [Image!] imagesCount(where: ImageWhereInput! = {}): Int content: Post_content_Document type: PostTypeType isPublished: Boolean author: User categories( where: CategoryWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [CategoryOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: CategoryWhereUniqueInput ): [Category!] categoriesCount(where: CategoryWhereInput! = {}): Int tags( where: TagWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [TagOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: TagWhereUniqueInput ): [Tag!] tagsCount(where: TagWhereInput! = {}): Int createdAt: DateTime } type Post_content_Document { document(hydrateRelationships: Boolean! = false): JSON! } enum PostTypeType { article podcast } input PostWhereUniqueInput { id: ID slug: String } input PostWhereInput { AND: [PostWhereInput!] OR: [PostWhereInput!] NOT: [PostWhereInput!] id: IDFilter slug: StringFilter title: StringFilter cover: ImageWhereInput description: StringFilter assets: AssetManyRelationFilter images: ImageManyRelationFilter type: PostTypeTypeNullableFilter isPublished: BooleanFilter author: UserWhereInput categories: CategoryManyRelationFilter tags: TagManyRelationFilter createdAt: DateTimeNullableFilter } input AssetManyRelationFilter { every: AssetWhereInput some: AssetWhereInput none: AssetWhereInput } input ImageManyRelationFilter { every: ImageWhereInput some: ImageWhereInput none: ImageWhereInput } input PostTypeTypeNullableFilter { equals: PostTypeType in: [PostTypeType!] notIn: [PostTypeType!] not: PostTypeTypeNullableFilter } input CategoryManyRelationFilter { every: CategoryWhereInput some: CategoryWhereInput none: CategoryWhereInput } input TagManyRelationFilter { every: TagWhereInput some: TagWhereInput none: TagWhereInput } input PostOrderByInput { id: OrderDirection slug: OrderDirection title: OrderDirection description: OrderDirection type: OrderDirection isPublished: OrderDirection createdAt: OrderDirection } input PostUpdateInput { slug: String title: String cover: ImageRelateToOneForUpdateInput description: String assets: AssetRelateToManyForUpdateInput images: ImageRelateToManyForUpdateInput content: JSON type: PostTypeType isPublished: Boolean author: UserRelateToOneForUpdateInput categories: CategoryRelateToManyForUpdateInput tags: TagRelateToManyForUpdateInput createdAt: DateTime } input ImageRelateToOneForUpdateInput { create: ImageCreateInput connect: ImageWhereUniqueInput disconnect: Boolean } input AssetRelateToManyForUpdateInput { disconnect: [AssetWhereUniqueInput!] set: [AssetWhereUniqueInput!] create: [AssetCreateInput!] connect: [AssetWhereUniqueInput!] } input ImageRelateToManyForUpdateInput { disconnect: [ImageWhereUniqueInput!] set: [ImageWhereUniqueInput!] create: [ImageCreateInput!] connect: [ImageWhereUniqueInput!] } input UserRelateToOneForUpdateInput { create: UserCreateInput connect: UserWhereUniqueInput disconnect: Boolean } input CategoryRelateToManyForUpdateInput { disconnect: [CategoryWhereUniqueInput!] set: [CategoryWhereUniqueInput!] create: [CategoryCreateInput!] connect: [CategoryWhereUniqueInput!] } input TagRelateToManyForUpdateInput { disconnect: [TagWhereUniqueInput!] set: [TagWhereUniqueInput!] create: [TagCreateInput!] connect: [TagWhereUniqueInput!] } input PostUpdateArgs { where: PostWhereUniqueInput! data: PostUpdateInput! } input PostCreateInput { slug: String title: String cover: ImageRelateToOneForCreateInput description: String assets: AssetRelateToManyForCreateInput images: ImageRelateToManyForCreateInput content: JSON type: PostTypeType isPublished: Boolean author: UserRelateToOneForCreateInput categories: CategoryRelateToManyForCreateInput tags: TagRelateToManyForCreateInput createdAt: DateTime } input ImageRelateToOneForCreateInput { create: ImageCreateInput connect: ImageWhereUniqueInput } input AssetRelateToManyForCreateInput { create: [AssetCreateInput!] connect: [AssetWhereUniqueInput!] } input ImageRelateToManyForCreateInput { create: [ImageCreateInput!] connect: [ImageWhereUniqueInput!] } input UserRelateToOneForCreateInput { create: UserCreateInput connect: UserWhereUniqueInput } input CategoryRelateToManyForCreateInput { create: [CategoryCreateInput!] connect: [CategoryWhereUniqueInput!] } input TagRelateToManyForCreateInput { create: [TagCreateInput!] connect: [TagWhereUniqueInput!] } type Moment { id: ID! title: String images( where: ImageWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [ImageOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: ImageWhereUniqueInput ): [Image!] imagesCount(where: ImageWhereInput! = {}): Int content: Moment_content_Document author: User categories( where: CategoryWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [CategoryOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: CategoryWhereUniqueInput ): [Category!] categoriesCount(where: CategoryWhereInput! = {}): Int tags( where: TagWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [TagOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: TagWhereUniqueInput ): [Tag!] tagsCount(where: TagWhereInput! = {}): Int createdAt: DateTime } type Moment_content_Document { document(hydrateRelationships: Boolean! = false): JSON! } input MomentWhereUniqueInput { id: ID } input MomentWhereInput { AND: [MomentWhereInput!] OR: [MomentWhereInput!] NOT: [MomentWhereInput!] id: IDFilter title: StringFilter images: ImageManyRelationFilter author: UserWhereInput categories: CategoryManyRelationFilter tags: TagManyRelationFilter createdAt: DateTimeNullableFilter } input MomentOrderByInput { id: OrderDirection title: OrderDirection createdAt: OrderDirection } input MomentUpdateInput { title: String images: ImageRelateToManyForUpdateInput content: JSON author: UserRelateToOneForUpdateInput categories: CategoryRelateToManyForUpdateInput tags: TagRelateToManyForUpdateInput createdAt: DateTime } input MomentUpdateArgs { where: MomentWhereUniqueInput! data: MomentUpdateInput! } input MomentCreateInput { title: String images: ImageRelateToManyForCreateInput content: JSON author: UserRelateToOneForCreateInput categories: CategoryRelateToManyForCreateInput tags: TagRelateToManyForCreateInput createdAt: DateTime } type Project { id: ID! icon: Image name: String description: String link: String isPublished: Boolean status: ProjectStatusType post: Post createdAt: DateTime } enum ProjectStatusType { pending constructing published abandoned } input ProjectWhereUniqueInput { id: ID } input ProjectWhereInput { AND: [ProjectWhereInput!] OR: [ProjectWhereInput!] NOT: [ProjectWhereInput!] id: IDFilter icon: ImageWhereInput name: StringFilter description: StringFilter link: StringFilter isPublished: BooleanFilter status: ProjectStatusTypeNullableFilter post: PostWhereInput createdAt: DateTimeNullableFilter } input ProjectStatusTypeNullableFilter { equals: ProjectStatusType in: [ProjectStatusType!] notIn: [ProjectStatusType!] not: ProjectStatusTypeNullableFilter } input ProjectOrderByInput { id: OrderDirection name: OrderDirection description: OrderDirection link: OrderDirection isPublished: OrderDirection status: OrderDirection createdAt: OrderDirection } input ProjectUpdateInput { icon: ImageRelateToOneForUpdateInput name: String description: String link: String isPublished: Boolean status: ProjectStatusType post: PostRelateToOneForUpdateInput createdAt: DateTime } input PostRelateToOneForUpdateInput { create: PostCreateInput connect: PostWhereUniqueInput disconnect: Boolean } input ProjectUpdateArgs { where: ProjectWhereUniqueInput! data: ProjectUpdateInput! } input ProjectCreateInput { icon: ImageRelateToOneForCreateInput name: String description: String link: String isPublished: Boolean status: ProjectStatusType post: PostRelateToOneForCreateInput createdAt: DateTime } input PostRelateToOneForCreateInput { create: PostCreateInput connect: PostWhereUniqueInput } type Event { id: ID! slug: String title: String description: String content: Event_content_Document isPublished: Boolean isHistory: Boolean author: User categories( where: CategoryWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [CategoryOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: CategoryWhereUniqueInput ): [Category!] categoriesCount(where: CategoryWhereInput! = {}): Int tags( where: TagWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [TagOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: TagWhereUniqueInput ): [Tag!] tagsCount(where: TagWhereInput! = {}): Int createdAt: DateTime } type Event_content_Document { document(hydrateRelationships: Boolean! = false): JSON! } input EventWhereUniqueInput { id: ID slug: String } input EventWhereInput { AND: [EventWhereInput!] OR: [EventWhereInput!] NOT: [EventWhereInput!] id: IDFilter slug: StringFilter title: StringFilter description: StringFilter isPublished: BooleanFilter isHistory: BooleanFilter author: UserWhereInput categories: CategoryManyRelationFilter tags: TagManyRelationFilter createdAt: DateTimeNullableFilter } input EventOrderByInput { id: OrderDirection slug: OrderDirection title: OrderDirection description: OrderDirection isPublished: OrderDirection isHistory: OrderDirection createdAt: OrderDirection } input EventUpdateInput { slug: String title: String description: String content: JSON isPublished: Boolean isHistory: Boolean author: UserRelateToOneForUpdateInput categories: CategoryRelateToManyForUpdateInput tags: TagRelateToManyForUpdateInput createdAt: DateTime } input EventUpdateArgs { where: EventWhereUniqueInput! data: EventUpdateInput! } input EventCreateInput { slug: String title: String description: String content: JSON isPublished: Boolean isHistory: Boolean author: UserRelateToOneForCreateInput categories: CategoryRelateToManyForCreateInput tags: TagRelateToManyForCreateInput createdAt: DateTime } type Category { id: ID! slug: String name: String posts( where: PostWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [PostOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: PostWhereUniqueInput ): [Post!] postsCount(where: PostWhereInput! = {}): Int moments( where: MomentWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [MomentOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: MomentWhereUniqueInput ): [Moment!] momentsCount(where: MomentWhereInput! = {}): Int events( where: EventWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [EventOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: EventWhereUniqueInput ): [Event!] eventsCount(where: EventWhereInput! = {}): Int } input CategoryWhereUniqueInput { id: ID slug: String } input CategoryWhereInput { AND: [CategoryWhereInput!] OR: [CategoryWhereInput!] NOT: [CategoryWhereInput!] id: IDFilter slug: StringFilter name: StringFilter posts: PostManyRelationFilter moments: MomentManyRelationFilter events: EventManyRelationFilter } input CategoryOrderByInput { id: OrderDirection slug: OrderDirection name: OrderDirection } input CategoryUpdateInput { slug: String name: String posts: PostRelateToManyForUpdateInput moments: MomentRelateToManyForUpdateInput events: EventRelateToManyForUpdateInput } input CategoryUpdateArgs { where: CategoryWhereUniqueInput! data: CategoryUpdateInput! } input CategoryCreateInput { slug: String name: String posts: PostRelateToManyForCreateInput moments: MomentRelateToManyForCreateInput events: EventRelateToManyForCreateInput } type Tag { id: ID! slug: String name: String posts( where: PostWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [PostOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: PostWhereUniqueInput ): [Post!] postsCount(where: PostWhereInput! = {}): Int moments( where: MomentWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [MomentOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: MomentWhereUniqueInput ): [Moment!] momentsCount(where: MomentWhereInput! = {}): Int events( where: EventWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [EventOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: EventWhereUniqueInput ): [Event!] eventsCount(where: EventWhereInput! = {}): Int } input TagWhereUniqueInput { id: ID slug: String } input TagWhereInput { AND: [TagWhereInput!] OR: [TagWhereInput!] NOT: [TagWhereInput!] id: IDFilter slug: StringFilter name: StringFilter posts: PostManyRelationFilter moments: MomentManyRelationFilter events: EventManyRelationFilter } input TagOrderByInput { id: OrderDirection slug: OrderDirection name: OrderDirection } input TagUpdateInput { slug: String name: String posts: PostRelateToManyForUpdateInput moments: MomentRelateToManyForUpdateInput events: EventRelateToManyForUpdateInput } input TagUpdateArgs { where: TagWhereUniqueInput! data: TagUpdateInput! } input TagCreateInput { slug: String name: String posts: PostRelateToManyForCreateInput moments: MomentRelateToManyForCreateInput events: EventRelateToManyForCreateInput } """ The `JSON` scalar type represents JSON values as specified by [ECMA-404](http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-404.pdf). """ scalar JSON @specifiedBy(url: "http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-404.pdf") type Mutation { createUser(data: UserCreateInput!): User createUsers(data: [UserCreateInput!]!): [User] updateUser(where: UserWhereUniqueInput!, data: UserUpdateInput!): User updateUsers(data: [UserUpdateArgs!]!): [User] deleteUser(where: UserWhereUniqueInput!): User deleteUsers(where: [UserWhereUniqueInput!]!): [User] createImage(data: ImageCreateInput!): Image createImages(data: [ImageCreateInput!]!): [Image] updateImage(where: ImageWhereUniqueInput!, data: ImageUpdateInput!): Image updateImages(data: [ImageUpdateArgs!]!): [Image] deleteImage(where: ImageWhereUniqueInput!): Image deleteImages(where: [ImageWhereUniqueInput!]!): [Image] createAsset(data: AssetCreateInput!): Asset createAssets(data: [AssetCreateInput!]!): [Asset] updateAsset(where: AssetWhereUniqueInput!, data: AssetUpdateInput!): Asset updateAssets(data: [AssetUpdateArgs!]!): [Asset] deleteAsset(where: AssetWhereUniqueInput!): Asset deleteAssets(where: [AssetWhereUniqueInput!]!): [Asset] createPost(data: PostCreateInput!): Post createPosts(data: [PostCreateInput!]!): [Post] updatePost(where: PostWhereUniqueInput!, data: PostUpdateInput!): Post updatePosts(data: [PostUpdateArgs!]!): [Post] deletePost(where: PostWhereUniqueInput!): Post deletePosts(where: [PostWhereUniqueInput!]!): [Post] createMoment(data: MomentCreateInput!): Moment createMoments(data: [MomentCreateInput!]!): [Moment] updateMoment(where: MomentWhereUniqueInput!, data: MomentUpdateInput!): Moment updateMoments(data: [MomentUpdateArgs!]!): [Moment] deleteMoment(where: MomentWhereUniqueInput!): Moment deleteMoments(where: [MomentWhereUniqueInput!]!): [Moment] createProject(data: ProjectCreateInput!): Project createProjects(data: [ProjectCreateInput!]!): [Project] updateProject(where: ProjectWhereUniqueInput!, data: ProjectUpdateInput!): Project updateProjects(data: [ProjectUpdateArgs!]!): [Project] deleteProject(where: ProjectWhereUniqueInput!): Project deleteProjects(where: [ProjectWhereUniqueInput!]!): [Project] createEvent(data: EventCreateInput!): Event createEvents(data: [EventCreateInput!]!): [Event] updateEvent(where: EventWhereUniqueInput!, data: EventUpdateInput!): Event updateEvents(data: [EventUpdateArgs!]!): [Event] deleteEvent(where: EventWhereUniqueInput!): Event deleteEvents(where: [EventWhereUniqueInput!]!): [Event] createCategory(data: CategoryCreateInput!): Category createCategories(data: [CategoryCreateInput!]!): [Category] updateCategory(where: CategoryWhereUniqueInput!, data: CategoryUpdateInput!): Category updateCategories(data: [CategoryUpdateArgs!]!): [Category] deleteCategory(where: CategoryWhereUniqueInput!): Category deleteCategories(where: [CategoryWhereUniqueInput!]!): [Category] createTag(data: TagCreateInput!): Tag createTags(data: [TagCreateInput!]!): [Tag] updateTag(where: TagWhereUniqueInput!, data: TagUpdateInput!): Tag updateTags(data: [TagUpdateArgs!]!): [Tag] deleteTag(where: TagWhereUniqueInput!): Tag deleteTags(where: [TagWhereUniqueInput!]!): [Tag] endSession: Boolean! authenticateUserWithPassword(email: String!, password: String!): UserAuthenticationWithPasswordResult createInitialUser(data: CreateInitialUserInput!): UserAuthenticationWithPasswordSuccess! } union UserAuthenticationWithPasswordResult = | UserAuthenticationWithPasswordSuccess | UserAuthenticationWithPasswordFailure type UserAuthenticationWithPasswordSuccess { sessionToken: String! item: User! } type UserAuthenticationWithPasswordFailure { message: String! } input CreateInitialUserInput { name: String email: String password: String isAdmin: Boolean } type Query { users( where: UserWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [UserOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: UserWhereUniqueInput ): [User!] user(where: UserWhereUniqueInput!): User usersCount(where: UserWhereInput! = {}): Int images( where: ImageWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [ImageOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: ImageWhereUniqueInput ): [Image!] image(where: ImageWhereUniqueInput!): Image imagesCount(where: ImageWhereInput! = {}): Int assets( where: AssetWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [AssetOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: AssetWhereUniqueInput ): [Asset!] asset(where: AssetWhereUniqueInput!): Asset assetsCount(where: AssetWhereInput! = {}): Int posts( where: PostWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [PostOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: PostWhereUniqueInput ): [Post!] post(where: PostWhereUniqueInput!): Post postsCount(where: PostWhereInput! = {}): Int moments( where: MomentWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [MomentOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: MomentWhereUniqueInput ): [Moment!] moment(where: MomentWhereUniqueInput!): Moment momentsCount(where: MomentWhereInput! = {}): Int projects( where: ProjectWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [ProjectOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: ProjectWhereUniqueInput ): [Project!] project(where: ProjectWhereUniqueInput!): Project projectsCount(where: ProjectWhereInput! = {}): Int events( where: EventWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [EventOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: EventWhereUniqueInput ): [Event!] event(where: EventWhereUniqueInput!): Event eventsCount(where: EventWhereInput! = {}): Int categories( where: CategoryWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [CategoryOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: CategoryWhereUniqueInput ): [Category!] category(where: CategoryWhereUniqueInput!): Category categoriesCount(where: CategoryWhereInput! = {}): Int tags( where: TagWhereInput! = {} orderBy: [TagOrderByInput!]! = [] take: Int skip: Int! = 0 cursor: TagWhereUniqueInput ): [Tag!] tag(where: TagWhereUniqueInput!): Tag tagsCount(where: TagWhereInput! = {}): Int keystone: KeystoneMeta! authenticatedItem: AuthenticatedItem } union AuthenticatedItem = User type KeystoneMeta { adminMeta: KeystoneAdminMeta! } type KeystoneAdminMeta { lists: [KeystoneAdminUIListMeta!]! list(key: String!): KeystoneAdminUIListMeta } type KeystoneAdminUIListMeta { key: String! itemQueryName: String! listQueryName: String! hideCreate: Boolean! hideDelete: Boolean! path: String! label: String! singular: String! plural: String! description: String initialColumns: [String!]! pageSize: Int! labelField: String! fields: [KeystoneAdminUIFieldMeta!]! groups: [KeystoneAdminUIFieldGroupMeta!]! initialSort: KeystoneAdminUISort isHidden: Boolean! isSingleton: Boolean! } type KeystoneAdminUIFieldMeta { path: String! label: String! description: String isOrderable: Boolean! isFilterable: Boolean! isNonNull: [KeystoneAdminUIFieldMetaIsNonNull!] fieldMeta: JSON viewsIndex: Int! customViewsIndex: Int createView: KeystoneAdminUIFieldMetaCreateView! listView: KeystoneAdminUIFieldMetaListView! itemView(id: ID): KeystoneAdminUIFieldMetaItemView search: QueryMode } enum KeystoneAdminUIFieldMetaIsNonNull { read create update } type KeystoneAdminUIFieldMetaCreateView { fieldMode: KeystoneAdminUIFieldMetaCreateViewFieldMode! } enum KeystoneAdminUIFieldMetaCreateViewFieldMode { edit hidden } type KeystoneAdminUIFieldMetaListView { fieldMode: KeystoneAdminUIFieldMetaListViewFieldMode! } enum KeystoneAdminUIFieldMetaListViewFieldMode { read hidden } type KeystoneAdminUIFieldMetaItemView { fieldMode: KeystoneAdminUIFieldMetaItemViewFieldMode fieldPosition: KeystoneAdminUIFieldMetaItemViewFieldPosition } enum KeystoneAdminUIFieldMetaItemViewFieldMode { edit read hidden } enum KeystoneAdminUIFieldMetaItemViewFieldPosition { form sidebar } type KeystoneAdminUIFieldGroupMeta { label: String! description: String fields: [KeystoneAdminUIFieldMeta!]! } type KeystoneAdminUISort { field: String! direction: KeystoneAdminUISortDirection! } enum KeystoneAdminUISortDirection { ASC DESC }