--- thumbnail: /thumbnails/products/acefield.webp title: AceField description: An experimental multiplayer top-down view shooting game that created by Solsynth LLC affiliation Highland Entertainment. author: [littlesheep] url: https://files.solsynth.dev/production01/acefield downloads: - title: macOS icon: mdi-apple desc: macOS 12 or above url: https://files.solsynth.dev/production01/acefield/AceField_MacOS_arm64.dmg - title: Windows icon: mdi-microsoft-windows desc: Windows 7 or above url: https://files.solsynth.dev/production01/acefield/Windows_x86_64.zip - title: Linux icon: mdi-linux desc: Any linux distro url: https://files.solsynth.dev/production01/acefield/Linux_x86_64.zip --- AceField which is stands for wonderful place to battle. We can't just use the name Battlefield because it already became a trademark of Electronic Arts. :embed-download-link{:items='downloads'} :embed-post-item{id=914}