
141 lines
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2023-11-16 15:06:59 +00:00
package hypertext
import (
func UseProxies(app *fiber.App) {
app.All("/", func(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error {
host := ctx.Hostname()
path := ctx.Path()
queries := ctx.Queries()
headers := ctx.GetReqHeaders()
Any("host", host).
Any("path", path).
Any("queries", queries).
Any("headers", headers).
Msg("A new request received")
// Filtering sites
for _, site := range configurator.C.Sites {
// Matching rules
for _, rule := range site.Rules {
if !lo.Contains(rule.Host, host) {
} else if !lo.ContainsBy(rule.Path, func(item string) bool {
matched, err := regexp.MatchString(item, path)
return matched && err == nil
}) {
flag := true
// Filter query strings
for rk, rv := range rule.Queries {
for ik, iv := range queries {
if rk != ik && rv != iv {
flag = false
if !flag {
if !flag {
// Filter headers
for rk, rv := range rule.Headers {
for ik, iv := range headers {
if rk == ik {
for _, ov := range iv {
if !lo.Contains(rv, ov) {
flag = false
if !flag {
if !flag {
if !flag {
// Passing all the rules means the site is what we are looking for.
// Let us respond to our client!
return makeResponse(ctx, site)
// There is no site available for this request.
// Just ignore it and give our client a not found status.
// Do not care about the user experience, we can do it in custom error handler.
return fiber.ErrNotFound
func doLoadBalance(site configurator.SiteConfig) *configurator.UpstreamConfig {
idx := rand.Intn(len(site.Upstreams))
switch site.Upstreams[idx].GetType() {
case configurator.UpstreamTypeHypertext:
return &site.Upstreams[idx]
case configurator.UpstreamTypeFile:
// TODO Make this into hypertext configuration
return &site.Upstreams[idx]
// Give him the null value when this configuration is invalid.
// Then we can print a log in the console to warm him.
return nil
func makeRequestUri(ctx *fiber.Ctx, upstream configurator.UpstreamConfig) string {
var queries []string
for k, v := range ctx.Queries() {
queries = append(queries, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))
hash := string(ctx.Request().URI().Hash())
return upstream.URI +
lo.Ternary(len(queries) > 0, "?"+strings.Join(queries, "&"), "") +
lo.Ternary(len(hash) > 0, "#"+hash, "")
func makeResponse(ctx *fiber.Ctx, site configurator.SiteConfig) error {
upstream := doLoadBalance(site)
if upstream == nil {
log.Warn().Str("id", site.ID).Msg("There is no available upstream for this request.")
return fiber.ErrBadGateway
timeout := time.Duration(viper.GetInt64("performance.network_timeout")) * time.Millisecond
return proxy.Do(ctx, makeRequestUri(ctx, *upstream), &fasthttp.Client{
ReadTimeout: timeout,
WriteTimeout: timeout,