2024-07-21 13:51:46 +08:00

46 lines
1006 B
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = ".;proto";
import "notify.proto";
package proto;
service Postman {
rpc DeliverNotification(DeliverNotificationRequest) returns (DeliverResponse) {}
rpc DeliverNotificationBatch(DeliverNotificationBatchRequest) returns (DeliverResponse) {}
rpc DeliverEmail(DeliverEmailRequest) returns (DeliverResponse) {}
rpc DeliverEmailBatch(DeliverEmailBatchRequest) returns (DeliverResponse) {}
message DeliverNotificationRequest {
string provider = 1;
string device_token = 2;
NotifyRequest notify = 3;
message DeliverNotificationBatchRequest {
repeated string providers = 1;
repeated string device_tokens = 2;
NotifyRequest notify = 3;
message DeliverEmailRequest {
string to = 1;
EmailRequest email = 2;
message DeliverEmailBatchRequest {
repeated string to = 1;
EmailRequest email = 2;
message EmailRequest {
string subject = 1;
optional string text_body = 2;
optional string html_body = 3;
message DeliverResponse {