145 lines
6.7 KiB
145 lines
6.7 KiB
"appName": "Solar Network",
"explore": "Explore",
"chat": "Chat",
"realm": "Realm",
"account": "Account",
"riskDetection": "Risk Detection",
"signIn": "Sign In",
"signInCaption": "Sign in to create post, start a realm, message your friend and more!",
"signInRequired": "Sign in required",
"signInRiskDetected": "Risk detected, click Next to open a webpage and signin through it to pass security check.",
"signUp": "Sign Up",
"signUpCaption": "Create an account on Solarpass and then get the access of entire Solar Network!",
"signUpDone": "Sign Up Successfully",
"signUpDoneCaption": "Welcome to join Solar Network! Now go to sign in!",
"signOut": "Sign Out",
"poweredBy": "Powered by Project Hydrogen",
"copyright": "Copyright © 2024 Solsynth LLC",
"confirmation": "Confirmation",
"confirmCancel": "Not sure",
"confirmOkay": "OK",
"email": "Email Address",
"nickname": "Nickname",
"username": "Username",
"firstName": "First Name",
"lastName": "Last Name",
"description": "Description",
"birthday": "Birthday",
"password": "Password",
"next": "Next",
"join": "Join",
"edit": "Edit",
"apply": "Apply",
"delete": "Delete",
"exit": "Exit",
"action": "Action",
"reset": "Reset",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"report": "Report",
"reply": "Reply",
"export": "Export",
"import": "Import",
"settings": "Settings",
"errorHappened": "An Error Occurred",
"notification": "Notification",
"notifyDone": "You're done!",
"notifyDoneCaption": "There are no notifications unread for you.",
"notifyListHint": "Pull to refresh, swipe to dismiss",
"notifyMarkAllRead": "Mark all as read",
"notifyMarkAllReadDone": "Marked all notifications as read",
"friend": "Friend",
"friendPending": "Pending",
"friendActive": "Active",
"friendBlocked": "Blocked",
"friendListHint": "Swipe left to decline, swipe right to approve",
"friendAdd": "Add friend",
"friendAddHint": "Use your their username to send a friend request to your best friend!",
"friendAddDone": "Friend request sent, go reach your friend!",
"personalize": "Personalize",
"personalizeApplied": "Your account information has been updated, some fields may take a while to fully applied.",
"keypair": "Keypair",
"keypairGenerated": "A new set of keypair has been generated. Automatically set it to active.",
"keypairSecretCode": "Secret Code",
"keypairImportHint": "You can paste the exported secret code here to import all keys in it.",
"keypairExportHint": "You can copy the exported secret code to other device to import all keys into it. Do not share it with anybody else!",
"reaction": "Reaction",
"reactVerb": "React",
"post": "Post",
"postVerb": "Post",
"comment": "Comment",
"attachment": "Attachment",
"attachmentAdd": "Add new attachment",
"pickMedia": "Gallery media",
"pickFile": "Device file",
"takePhoto": "Capture photo",
"takeVideo": "Capture video",
"newMoment": "Record a moment",
"newComment": "Leave a comment",
"connectingServer": "Connecting to server...",
"postIdentityNotify": "You will create this post as",
"postContentPlaceholder": "What's happened?!",
"postDeleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this post? This operation cannot be revert!",
"postEditNotify": "You are about editing a post that already published.",
"reactionAdded": "Your reaction has been added.",
"reactionRemoved": "Your reaction has been removed.",
"shortcutsEmpty": "Shortcuts are empty, looks like you didn't go anywhere recently...",
"realmNew": "New Realm",
"realmNewCreate": "Create a realm",
"realmNewJoin": "Join a exists realm",
"realmUsage": "Realm",
"realmUsageCaption": "Realm is a place to organize your posts, channels and more. It will be much easier if you build community with realm!",
"realmEstablish": "Establish a realm",
"realmEditNotify": "You are about editing a existing realm.",
"realmAliasLabel": "Realm Alias",
"realmNameLabel": "Realm Name",
"realmDescriptionLabel": "Realm Description",
"realmPublicLabel": "It's public",
"realmCommunityLabel": "It's community realm",
"realmMember": "Member",
"realmManage": "Realm Manage",
"chatNew": "New Chat",
"chatNewCreate": "Create a channel",
"chatNewJoin": "Join a exists channel",
"chatDetail": "Chat Details",
"chatMember": "Member",
"chatNotifySetting": "Notify Settings",
"chatChannelUnavailable": "Channel Unavailable",
"chatChannelUnavailableCaptionWithRealm": "You didn't join the channel, but looks like you able to join to, would you want to have a try?",
"chatChannelUnavailableCaption": "You didn't join the channel, so you cannot access the information of this channel.",
"chatChannelUsage": "Channel",
"chatChannelUsageCaption": "Channel is place to talk with people, one or a lot.",
"chatChannelOrganize": "Organize a channel",
"chatChannelEditNotify": "You are about editing a existing channel.",
"chatChannelAliasLabel": "Channel Alias",
"chatChannelNameLabel": "Channel Name",
"chatChannelDescriptionLabel": "Channel Description",
"chatChannelEncryptedLabel": "Encrypted Channel",
"chatChannelLeaveConfirm": "Are you sure you want to leave this channel? Your message will be stored, but if you rejoin this channel later, you will lose your control of your previous messages.",
"chatChannelDeleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this channel? All messages in this channel will be gone forever. This operation cannot be revert!",
"chatCall": "Call",
"chatCallOngoing": "A call is ongoing",
"chatCallOngoingShort": "Ongoing",
"chatCallJoin": "Join",
"chatCallMute": "Mute",
"chatCallUnMute": "Un-mute",
"chatCallVideoOff": "Turn Off Video",
"chatCallVideoOn": "Turn On Video",
"chatCallVideoFlip": "Flip Camera",
"chatCallScreenOn": "Start Screen Share",
"chatCallScreenOff": "Stop Screen Share",
"chatCallDisconnect": "Disconnect",
"chatCallDisconnectConfirm": "Are you sure you want to disconnect? You can reconnect after this if you want.",
"chatCallChangeSpeaker": "Change Speaker",
"chatMessagePlaceholder": "Write a message...",
"chatMessageEncryptedPlaceholder": "Write a encrypted message...",
"chatMessageSending": "Now delivering your messages...",
"chatMessageEditNotify": "You are about editing a message.",
"chatMessageReplyNotify": "You are about replying a message.",
"chatMessageDeleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this message? This operation cannot be revert and no local history is saved!",
"chatMessageViewSource": "View source",
"chatMessageUnableDecryptWaiting": "Waiting for encryption key...",
"chatMessageUnableDecryptUnsupported": "Unable to decrypt the message, encryption algorithm unsupported",
"chatMessageUnableDecryptMissing": "Unable to decrypt the message, missing encryption key"