2024-05-29 23:22:24 +08:00

270 lines
13 KiB

import 'package:get/get.dart';
class SolianMessages extends Translations {
Map<String, Map<String, String>> get keys => {
'en_US': {
'hide': 'Hide',
'okay': 'Okay',
'next': 'Next',
'reset': 'Reset',
'page': 'Page',
'social': 'Social',
'contact': 'Contact',
'apply': 'Apply',
'cancel': 'Cancel',
'confirm': 'Confirm',
'leave': 'Leave',
'loading': 'Loading...',
'edit': 'Edit',
'delete': 'Delete',
'search': 'Search',
'reply': 'Reply',
'repost': 'Repost',
'openInBrowser': 'Open in browser',
'notification': 'Notification',
'errorHappened': 'An error occurred',
'email': 'Email',
'username': 'Username',
'nickname': 'Nickname',
'password': 'Password',
'description': 'Description',
'birthday': 'Birthday',
'firstName': 'First Name',
'lastName': 'Last Name',
'account': 'Account',
'accountPersonalize': 'Personalize',
'Account personalize settings has been saved.',
'accountFriend': 'Friend',
'accountFriendNew': 'New friend',
'Use someone\'s username to send a request of making friends with them!',
'accountFriendPending': 'Friend requests',
'accountFriendBlocked': 'Friend blocklist',
'accountFriendListHint': 'Swipe left to decline, right to approve',
'aspectRatio': 'Aspect Ratio',
'aspectRatioSquare': 'Square',
'aspectRatioPortrait': 'Portrait',
'aspectRatioLandscape': 'Landscape',
'signin': 'Sign in',
'signinRequired': 'Sign in',
'signinRequiredHint': 'Sign in to get full access of Solar Network',
'signinGreeting': 'Welcome back\nSolar Network',
'Sign in to create post, start a realm, message your friend and more!',
'Risk detected, click Next to open a webpage and signin through it to pass security check.',
'signup': 'Sign up',
'signupGreeting': 'Welcome onboard',
'Create an account on Solarpass and then get the access of entire Solar Network!',
'signout': 'Sign out',
'joinedAt': 'Joined at @date',
'riskDetection': 'Risk Detected',
'matureContent': 'Mature Content',
'The content is rated and may not suitable for everyone to view',
'notifyAllRead': 'Mark all as read',
'notifyEmpty': 'All notifications read',
'notifyEmptyCaption': 'It seems like nothing happened recently',
'postNew': 'Create a new post',
'postNewInRealmHint': 'Add post in realm @realm',
'postAction': 'Post',
'postDetail': 'Post',
'postReplies': 'Replies',
'postPublishing': 'Post post',
'postIdentityNotify': 'You will post this post as',
'postContentPlaceholder': 'What\'s happened?!',
'postReaction': 'Reactions of the Post',
'postActionList': 'Actions of Post',
'postReplyAction': 'Make a reply',
'postRepliedNotify': 'Replied a post from @username.',
'postRepostedNotify': 'Reposted a post from @username.',
'postInRealmNotify': 'You\'re posting in realm @realm.',
'postEditingNotify': 'You\'re editing as post from you.',
'postReplyingNotify': 'You\'re replying a post from @username.',
'postRepostingNotify': 'You\'re reposting a post from @username.',
'postDeletionConfirm': 'Confirm post deletion',
'Are your sure to delete post "@content"? This action cannot be undone!',
'reactAdd': 'React',
'reactCompleted': 'Your reaction has been added',
'reactUncompleted': 'Your reaction has been removed',
'attachmentAdd': 'Attach attachments',
'attachmentAddGalleryPhoto': 'Gallery photo',
'attachmentAddGalleryVideo': 'Gallery video',
'attachmentAddCameraPhoto': 'Capture photo',
'attachmentAddCameraVideo': 'Capture video',
'attachmentAddFile': 'Attach file',
'attachmentSetting': 'Adjust attachment',
'attachmentAlt': 'Alternative text',
'realm': 'Realm',
'realms': 'Realms',
'realmOrganizing': 'Organize a realm',
'realmAlias': 'Alias (Identifier)',
'realmName': 'Name',
'realmDescription': 'Description',
'realmPublic': 'Public Realm',
'realmCommunity': 'Community Realm',
'realmDetail': 'Realm detail',
'channelNew': 'Create a new channel',
'channelNewInRealmHint': 'Create channel in realm @realm',
'channelOrganizing': 'Organize a channel',
'channelOrganizeCommon': 'Create regular channel',
'channelOrganizeDirect': 'Create DM',
'channelOrganizeDirectHint': 'Choose friend to create DM',
'channelInRealmNotify': 'You\'re creating channel in realm @realm',
'channelEditingNotify': 'You\'re editing channel @channel',
'channelAlias': 'Alias (Identifier)',
'channelName': 'Name',
'channelDescription': 'Description',
'channelDirectDescription': 'Direct message with @username',
'channelEncrypted': 'Encrypted Channel',
'channelMember': 'Channel member',
'channelMembers': 'Channel members',
'channelMembersAdd': 'Add channel members',
'channelMembersAddHint': 'Into @channel',
'channelType': 'Channel type',
'channelTypeCommon': 'Regular',
'channelTypeDirect': 'DM',
'channelAdjust': 'Channel Adjustment',
'channelDetail': 'Channel Detail',
'channelSettings': 'Channel settings',
'channelDeletionConfirm': 'Confirm channel deletion',
'Are you sure to delete channel @channel? This action cannot be undone!',
'messageDecoding': 'Decoding...',
'messageDecodeFailed': 'Unable to decode: @message',
'messageInputPlaceholder': 'Message @channel',
'zh_CN': {
'hide': '隐藏',
'okay': '确认',
'next': '下一步',
'reset': '重置',
'cancel': '取消',
'confirm': '确认',
'leave': '离开',
'loading': '载入中…',
'edit': '编辑',
'delete': '删除',
'page': '页面',
'social': '社交',
'contact': '联系',
'apply': '应用',
'search': '搜索',
'reply': '回复',
'repost': '转帖',
'openInBrowser': '在浏览器中打开',
'notification': '通知',
'errorHappened': '发生错误了',
'email': '邮件地址',
'username': '用户名',
'nickname': '显示名',
'password': '密码',
'description': '简介',
'birthday': '生日',
'firstName': '名称',
'lastName': '姓氏',
'account': '账号',
'accountPersonalize': '个性化',
'accountPersonalizeApplied': '账户的个性化设置已保存。',
'accountFriend': '好友',
'accountFriendNew': '添加好友',
'accountFriendNewHint': '使用他人的用户名来发送一个好友请求吧!',
'accountFriendPending': '好友请求',
'accountFriendBlocked': '好友黑名单',
'accountFriendListHint': '左滑来拒绝,右滑来接受',
'aspectRatio': '纵横比',
'aspectRatioSquare': '方型',
'aspectRatioPortrait': '竖型',
'aspectRatioLandscape': '横型',
'signin': '登录',
'signinRequired': '需要登录',
'signinRequiredHint': '登陆以获得 Solar Network 的全部功能使用权。',
'signinGreeting': '欢迎回来\nSolar Network',
'signinCaption': '登录以发表帖子、文章、创建领域、和你的朋友聊天,以及获取更多功能!',
'signinRiskDetected': '检测到风险,点击下一步按钮来打开一个网页,并通过在其上面登录来通过安全检查。',
'signup': '注册',
'signupGreeting': '欢迎加入\nSolar Network',
'signupCaption': '在 Solarpass 注册一个账号以获得整个 Solar Network 的存取权!',
'signout': '登出',
'joinedAt': '加入于 @date',
'riskDetection': '检测到风险',
'matureContent': '评级内容',
'matureContentCaption': '该内容已被评级为家长指导级或以上,这可能说明内容包含一系列不友好的成分',
'notifyAllRead': '已读所有通知',
'notifyEmpty': '通知箱为空',
'notifyEmptyCaption': '看起来最近没发生什么呢',
'postNew': '创建新帖子',
'postNewInRealmHint': '在领域 @realm 里发表新帖子',
'postAction': '发表',
'postDetail': '帖子详情',
'postReplies': '帖子回复',
'postPublishing': '发表帖子',
'postIdentityNotify': '你将会以本身份发表帖子',
'postContentPlaceholder': '发生什么事了?!',
'postReaction': '帖子的反应',
'postActionList': '帖子的操作',
'postReplyAction': '发表一则回复',
'postRepliedNotify': '回了一个 @username 的帖子',
'postRepostedNotify': '转了一个 @username 的帖子',
'postInRealmNotify': '你正在领域 @realm 中发表帖子',
'postEditingNotify': '你正在编辑一个你发布的帖子',
'postReplyingNotify': '你正在回一个来自 @username 的帖子',
'postRepostingNotify': '你正在转一个来自 @username 的帖子',
'postDeletionConfirm': '确认删除帖子',
'postDeletionConfirmCaption': '你确定要删除帖子 “@content” 吗?该操作不可撤销。',
'reactAdd': '作出反应',
'reactCompleted': '你的反应已被添加',
'reactUncompleted': '你的反应已被移除',
'attachmentAdd': '附加附件',
'attachmentAddGalleryPhoto': '相册照片',
'attachmentAddGalleryVideo': '相册视频',
'attachmentAddCameraPhoto': '拍摄图片',
'attachmentAddCameraVideo': '拍摄视频',
'attachmentAddFile': '附加文件',
'attachmentSetting': '调整附件',
'attachmentAlt': '替代文字',
'realm': '领域',
'realms': '领域',
'realmOrganizing': '组织领域',
'realmAlias': '别称(标识符)',
'realmName': '显示名称',
'realmDescription': '领域简介',
'realmPublic': '公开领域',
'realmCommunity': '社区领域',
'realmDetail': '领域详情',
'channelNew': '创建新频道',
'channelNewInRealmHint': '在领域 @realm 里创建新频道',
'channelOrganizing': '组织频道',
'channelOrganizeCommon': '创建普通频道',
'channelOrganizeDirect': '创建私信频道',
'channelOrganizeDirectHint': '选择好友来创建私信',
'channelInRealmNotify': '你正在领域 @realm 中创建频道',
'channelEditingNotify': '你正在编辑频道 @channel',
'channelAlias': '别称(标识符)',
'channelName': '显示名称',
'channelDescription': '频道简介',
'channelDirectDescription': '与 @username 的私聊',
'channelEncrypted': '加密频道',
'channelMember': '频道成员',
'channelMembers': '频道成员',
'channelMembersAdd': '添加频道成员',
'channelMembersAddHint': '到 @channel',
'channelType': '频道类型',
'channelTypeCommon': '普通频道',
'channelTypeDirect': '私信聊天',
'channelAdjust': '调整频道',
'channelDetail': '频道详情',
'channelSettings': '频道设置',
'channelDeletionConfirm': '确认删除频道',
'channelDeletionConfirmCaption': '你确认要删除频道 @channel 吗?该操作不可撤销。',
'messageDecoding': '解码信息中…',
'messageDecodeFailed': '解码信息失败:@message',
'messageInputPlaceholder': '在 @channel 发信息',