♻️ Interactive v2 #1
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ type Article struct {
Hashtags []Tag `json:"tags" gorm:"many2many:article_tags"`
Categories []Category `json:"categories" gorm:"many2many:article_categories"`
Reactions []Reaction `json:"reactions"`
Attachments []Attachment `json:"attachments"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Content string `json:"content"`
RealmID *uint `json:"realm_id"`
@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ package models
import (
type AttachmentType = uint8
@ -16,5 +16,7 @@ type Feed struct {
RealmID *uint `json:"realm_id"`
Author Account `json:"author" gorm:"embedded"`
Attachments []Attachment `json:"attachments" gorm:"-"`
ReactionList map[string]int64 `json:"reaction_list" gorm:"-"`
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ type Moment struct {
Hashtags []Tag `json:"tags" gorm:"many2many:moment_tags"`
Categories []Category `json:"categories" gorm:"many2many:moment_categories"`
Reactions []Reaction `json:"reactions"`
Attachments []Attachment `json:"attachments"`
RealmID *uint `json:"realm_id"`
RepostID *uint `json:"repost_id"`
Realm *Realm `json:"realm"`
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ type PostBase struct {
Alias string `json:"alias" gorm:"uniqueIndex"`
Attachments []Attachment `json:"attachments"`
PublishedAt *time.Time `json:"published_at"`
AuthorID uint `json:"author_id"`
@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ func createArticle(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
item := &models.Article{
PostBase: models.PostBase{
Alias: data.Alias,
Attachments: data.Attachments,
PublishedAt: data.PublishedAt,
AuthorID: user.ID,
Hashtags: data.Hashtags,
Categories: data.Categories,
Attachments: data.Attachments,
Title: data.Title,
Description: data.Description,
Content: data.Content,
@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ func createComment(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
PublishedAt *time.Time `json:"published_at" form:"published_at"`
Hashtags []models.Tag `json:"hashtags" form:"hashtags"`
Categories []models.Category `json:"categories" form:"categories"`
Attachments []models.Attachment `json:"attachments" form:"attachments"`
ReplyTo uint `json:"reply_to" form:"reply_to"`
@ -74,7 +73,6 @@ func createComment(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
item := &models.Comment{
PostBase: models.PostBase{
Alias: data.Alias,
Attachments: data.Attachments,
PublishedAt: data.PublishedAt,
AuthorID: user.ID,
@ -138,7 +136,6 @@ func editComment(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
PublishedAt *time.Time `json:"published_at" form:"published_at"`
Hashtags []models.Tag `json:"hashtags" form:"hashtags"`
Categories []models.Category `json:"categories" form:"categories"`
Attachments []models.Attachment `json:"attachments" form:"attachments"`
if err := BindAndValidate(c, &data); err != nil {
@ -160,7 +157,6 @@ func editComment(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
item.PublishedAt = data.PublishedAt
item.Hashtags = data.Hashtags
item.Categories = data.Categories
item.Attachments = data.Attachments
if item, err := services.EditPost(item); err != nil {
return fiber.NewError(fiber.StatusBadRequest, err.Error())
@ -47,22 +47,28 @@ func listFeed(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
commentTable := viper.GetString("database.prefix") + "comments"
reactionTable := viper.GetString("database.prefix") + "reactions"
database.C.Raw(fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT feed.*, author.*,
COALESCE(comment_count, 0) as comment_count,
COALESCE(reaction_count, 0) as reaction_count
FROM (? UNION ALL ?) as feed
INNER JOIN %s as author ON author_id = author.id
LEFT JOIN (SELECT article_id, moment_id, COUNT(*) as comment_count
fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT feed.*, author.*,
COALESCE(comment_count, 0) AS comment_count,
COALESCE(reaction_count, 0) AS reaction_count
FROM (? UNION ALL ?) AS feed
INNER JOIN %s AS author ON author_id = author.id
LEFT JOIN (SELECT article_id, moment_id, COUNT(*) AS comment_count
GROUP BY article_id, moment_id) as comments
GROUP BY article_id, moment_id) AS comments
ON (feed.model_type = 'article' AND feed.id = comments.article_id) OR
(feed.model_type = 'moment' AND feed.id = comments.moment_id)
LEFT JOIN (SELECT article_id, moment_id, COUNT(*) as reaction_count
LEFT JOIN (SELECT article_id, moment_id, COUNT(*) AS reaction_count
GROUP BY article_id, moment_id) as reactions
GROUP BY article_id, moment_id) AS reactions
ON (feed.model_type = 'article' AND feed.id = reactions.article_id) OR
(feed.model_type = 'moment' AND feed.id = reactions.moment_id)
WHERE %s ORDER BY feed.created_at desc LIMIT ? OFFSET ?`, userTable, commentTable, reactionTable, whereCondition),
WHERE %s ORDER BY feed.created_at desc LIMIT ? OFFSET ?`,
@ -122,6 +128,56 @@ func listFeed(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
if !c.QueryBool("noAttachment", false) {
revertAttachment := func(dataset string) error {
var attachments []struct {
PostID uint `json:"post_id"`
itemMap := lo.SliceToMap(lo.FilterMap(result, func(item *models.Feed, index int) (*models.Feed, bool) {
return item, item.ModelType == dataset
}), func(item *models.Feed) (uint, *models.Feed) {
return item.ID, item
idx := lo.Map(lo.Filter(result, func(item *models.Feed, index int) bool {
return item.ModelType == dataset
}), func(item *models.Feed, index int) uint {
return item.ID
if err := database.C.
Select(dataset+"_id as post_id, *").
Where(dataset+"_id IN (?)", idx).
Scan(&attachments).Error; err != nil {
return fiber.NewError(fiber.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
list := map[uint][]models.Attachment{}
for _, info := range attachments {
list[info.PostID] = append(list[info.PostID], info.Attachment)
for k, v := range list {
if post, ok := itemMap[k]; ok {
post.Attachments = v
return nil
if err := revertAttachment("article"); err != nil {
return err
if err := revertAttachment("moment"); err != nil {
return err
var count int64
database.C.Raw(`SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (? UNION ALL ?) as feed`,
@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ func createMoment(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
item := &models.Moment{
PostBase: models.PostBase{
Alias: data.Alias,
Attachments: data.Attachments,
PublishedAt: data.PublishedAt,
AuthorID: user.ID,
Hashtags: data.Hashtags,
Categories: data.Categories,
Attachments: data.Attachments,
Content: data.Content,
RealmID: data.RealmID,
@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
package services
import (
func NewAttachment(user models.Account, header *multipart.FileHeader) (models.Attachment, error) {
@ -33,6 +35,17 @@ func NewAttachment(user models.Account, header *multipart.FileHeader) (models.At
attachment.Mimetype = http.DetectContentType(fileHeader)
switch strings.Split(attachment.Mimetype, "/")[0] {
case "image":
attachment.Type = models.AttachmentPhoto
case "video":
attachment.Type = models.AttachmentVideo
case "audio":
attachment.Type = models.AttachmentAudio
attachment.Type = models.AttachmentOthers
// Save into database
err = database.C.Save(&attachment).Error
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
<v-card variant="tonal" class="max-w-[540px]" :ripple="canLightbox" @click="openLightbox">
<div class="content">
<img v-if="current.type === 1" :src="getUrl(current)" />
<video v-if="current.type === 2" controls class="w-full">
<source :src="getUrl(current)"></source>
<vue-easy-lightbox teleport="#app" :visible="lightbox" :imgs="[getUrl(current)]" @hide="lightbox = false">
<template v-slot:close-btn="{ close }">
<v-btn class="fixed left-2 top-2" icon="mdi-close" variant="text" color="white" @click="close" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { computed, ref } from "vue"
import VueEasyLightbox from "vue-easy-lightbox"
const props = defineProps<{ attachments: any[] }>()
const lightbox = ref(false)
const focus = ref(0)
const current = computed(() => props.attachments[focus.value])
const canLightbox = computed(() => current.value.type === 1)
function getUrl(item: any) {
return item.external_url ? item.external_url : `/api/attachments/o/${item.file_id}`
function openLightbox() {
if (canLightbox.value) {
lightbox.value = true
.vel-model {
z-index: 10;
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
<component :is="renderer[props.item?.model_type]" v-bind="props" />
<post-attachment v-if="props.item?.attachments" :attachments="props.item?.attachments" />
@ -34,6 +36,7 @@ import type { Component } from "vue"
import ArticleContent from "@/components/posts/ArticleContent.vue"
import MomentContent from "@/components/posts/MomentContent.vue"
import CommentContent from "@/components/posts/CommentContent.vue"
import PostAttachment from "./PostAttachment.vue"
import PostReaction from "@/components/posts/PostReaction.vue"
const props = defineProps<{ item: any; brief?: boolean }>()
@ -67,6 +67,20 @@
<v-expansion-panel title="Media">
<template #text>
<div class="flex justify-between items-center">
<p class="text-xs">This article attached</p>
<p class="text-lg font-medium">
{{ data.attachments.length }} attachment(s)
<v-btn size="small" icon="mdi-camera-plus" variant="text" @click="dialogs.media = true" />
@ -74,8 +88,13 @@
<planned-publish v-model:show="dialogs.plan" v-model:value="data.publishedAt" />
<media v-model:show="dialogs.media" v-model:uploading="uploading" v-model:value="data.attachments" />
<v-snackbar v-model="success" :timeout="3000">Your article has been published.</v-snackbar>
<v-snackbar v-model="uploading" :timeout="-1">
Uploading your media, please stand by...
<v-progress-linear class="snackbar-progress" indeterminate />
<!-- @vue-ignore -->
<v-snackbar v-model="error" :timeout="5000">Something went wrong... {{ error }}</v-snackbar>
@ -86,8 +105,9 @@ import { request } from "@/scripts/request"
import { useEditor } from "@/stores/editor"
import { getAtk } from "@/stores/userinfo"
import { reactive, ref } from "vue"
import PlannedPublish from "@/components/publish/parts/PlannedPublish.vue"
import { useRouter } from "vue-router"
import PlannedPublish from "@/components/publish/parts/PlannedPublish.vue"
import Media from "@/components/publish/parts/Media.vue"
const editor = useEditor()
@ -101,7 +121,8 @@ const data = reactive<any>({
title: "",
content: "",
description: "",
publishedAt: null
publishedAt: null,
attachments: []
const router = useRouter()
@ -109,10 +130,13 @@ const router = useRouter()
const error = ref<string | null>(null)
const success = ref(false)
const loading = ref(false)
const uploading = ref(false)
async function postArticle(evt: SubmitEvent) {
const form = evt.target as HTMLFormElement
if (uploading.value) return
if (!data.content) return
if (!data.title || !data.description) return
if (!data.publishedAt) data.publishedAt = new Date().toISOString()
@ -149,4 +173,12 @@ async function postArticle(evt: SubmitEvent) {
.article-container {
max-width: 720px;
.snackbar-progress {
margin-left: -16px;
margin-right: -16px;
margin-bottom: -14px;
margin-top: 12px;
width: calc(100% + 64px);
@ -54,8 +54,13 @@
<planned-publish v-model:show="dialogs.plan" v-model:value="extras.publishedAt" />
<media v-model:show="dialogs.media" v-model:uploading="uploading" v-model:value="extras.attachments" />
<v-snackbar v-model="success" :timeout="3000">Your post has been published.</v-snackbar>
<v-snackbar v-model="uploading" :timeout="-1">
Uploading your media, please stand by...
<v-progress-linear class="snackbar-progress" indeterminate />
<!-- @vue-ignore -->
<v-snackbar v-model="error" :timeout="5000">Something went wrong... {{ error }}</v-snackbar>
@ -67,6 +72,7 @@ import { useEditor } from "@/stores/editor"
import { getAtk } from "@/stores/userinfo"
import { reactive, ref } from "vue"
import PlannedPublish from "@/components/publish/parts/PlannedPublish.vue"
import Media from "@/components/publish/parts/Media.vue"
const editor = useEditor()
@ -77,12 +83,14 @@ const dialogs = reactive({
const extras = reactive({
publishedAt: null
publishedAt: null,
attachments: []
const error = ref<string | null>(null)
const success = ref(false)
const loading = ref(false)
const uploading = ref(false)
async function postMoment(evt: SubmitEvent) {
const form = evt.target as HTMLFormElement
@ -91,6 +99,8 @@ async function postMoment(evt: SubmitEvent) {
if (!extras.publishedAt) data.set("published_at", new Date().toISOString())
else data.set("published_at", extras.publishedAt)
extras.attachments.forEach((item) => data.append("attachments[]", item))
loading.value = true
const res = await request("/api/p/moments", {
method: "POST",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
@update:model-value="(val) => emits('update:show', val)"
<v-card title="Media management">
<template #text>
label="File Picker"
:accept="['image/*', 'video/*']"
<h2 class="px-2 mb-1">Media list</h2>
<v-card variant="tonal">
<v-list-item v-for="item in props.value" :title="getFileName(item)">
<template #subtitle>
{{ getFileType(item) }} · {{ formatBytes(item.filesize) }}
<template #append>
<v-btn icon="mdi-delete" size="small" variant="text" color="error" />
<template #actions>
<v-btn class="ms-auto" text="Ok" @click="emits('update:show', false)"></v-btn>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { request } from "@/scripts/request"
import { getAtk } from "@/stores/userinfo"
import { ref } from "vue"
const props = defineProps<{ show: boolean; uploading: boolean; value: any[] }>()
const emits = defineEmits(["update:show", "update:uploading", "update:value"])
const picked = ref<any[]>([])
const error = ref<string | null>(null)
async function upload(file?: any) {
if (props.uploading) return
const data = new FormData()
if (!file) {
if (!picked.value) return
data.set("attachment", picked.value[0])
} else {
data.set("attachment", file)
emits("update:uploading", true)
const res = await request("/api/attachments", {
method: "POST",
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${getAtk()}` },
body: data
if (res.status !== 200) {
error.value = await res.text()
} else {
const data = await res.json()
emits("update:value", props.value.concat([data.info]))
picked.value = []
emits("update:uploading", false)
function getFileName(item: any) {
return item.filename.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, "")
function getFileType(item: any) {
switch (item.type) {
case 1:
return "Photo"
case 2:
return "Video"
case 3:
return "Audio"
return "Others"
function formatBytes(bytes: number, decimals = 2) {
if (!+bytes) return "0 Bytes"
const k = 1024
const dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals
const sizes = ["Bytes", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB"]
const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k))
return `${parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm))} ${sizes[i]}`
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
label="Publish date"
hint="Your post will hidden for public before this time. Leave blank will publish immediately"
@update:model-value="(val) => emits('update:value', val)"
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
<v-alert type="info" variant="tonal" class="text-sm">
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Reference in New Issue
Block a user