♻️ Interactive v2 #1
@ -14,14 +14,9 @@ func RunMigration(source *gorm.DB) error {
); err != nil {
return err
@ -8,24 +8,19 @@ import "time"
type Account struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Nick string `json:"nick"`
Avatar string `json:"avatar"`
Description string `json:"description"`
EmailAddress string `json:"email_address"`
PowerLevel int `json:"power_level"`
Moments []Moment `json:"moments" gorm:"foreignKey:AuthorID"`
Articles []Article `json:"articles" gorm:"foreignKey:AuthorID"`
Attachments []Attachment `json:"attachments" gorm:"foreignKey:AuthorID"`
LikedMoments []MomentLike `json:"liked_moments"`
DislikedMoments []MomentDislike `json:"disliked_moments"`
LikedArticles []ArticleLike `json:"liked_articles"`
DislikedArticles []ArticleDislike `json:"disliked_articles"`
LikedComments []CommentLike `json:"liked_comments"`
DislikedComments []CommentDislike `json:"disliked_comments"`
RealmIdentities []RealmMember `json:"identities"`
Realms []Realm `json:"realms"`
ExternalID uint `json:"external_id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Nick string `json:"nick"`
Avatar string `json:"avatar"`
Description string `json:"description"`
EmailAddress string `json:"email_address"`
PowerLevel int `json:"power_level"`
Moments []Moment `json:"moments" gorm:"foreignKey:AuthorID"`
Articles []Article `json:"articles" gorm:"foreignKey:AuthorID"`
Attachments []Attachment `json:"attachments" gorm:"foreignKey:AuthorID"`
Reactions []Reaction `json:"reactions"`
RealmIdentities []RealmMember `json:"identities"`
Realms []Realm `json:"realms"`
ExternalID uint `json:"external_id"`
type AccountMembership struct {
@ -3,15 +3,14 @@ package models
type Article struct {
Title string `json:"title"`
Hashtags []Tag `json:"tags" gorm:"many2many:article_tags"`
Categories []Category `json:"categories" gorm:"many2many:article_categories"`
LikedAccounts []ArticleLike `json:"liked_accounts"`
DislikedAccounts []ArticleDislike `json:"disliked_accounts"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Content string `json:"content"`
RealmID *uint `json:"realm_id"`
Realm *Realm `json:"realm"`
Title string `json:"title"`
Hashtags []Tag `json:"tags" gorm:"many2many:article_tags"`
Categories []Category `json:"categories" gorm:"many2many:article_categories"`
Reactions []Reaction `json:"reactions"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Content string `json:"content"`
RealmID *uint `json:"realm_id"`
Realm *Realm `json:"realm"`
Comments []Comment `json:"comments" gorm:"foreignKey:ArticleID"`
@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ package models
type Comment struct {
Content string `json:"content"`
Hashtags []Tag `json:"tags" gorm:"many2many:comment_tags"`
Categories []Category `json:"categories" gorm:"many2many:comment_categories"`
LikedAccounts []CommentLike `json:"liked_accounts"`
DislikedAccounts []CommentDislike `json:"disliked_accounts"`
ReplyID *uint `json:"reply_id"`
ReplyTo *Comment `json:"reply_to" gorm:"foreignKey:ReplyID"`
Content string `json:"content"`
Hashtags []Tag `json:"tags" gorm:"many2many:comment_tags"`
Categories []Category `json:"categories" gorm:"many2many:comment_categories"`
Reactions []Reaction `json:"reactions"`
ReplyID *uint `json:"reply_id"`
ReplyTo *Comment `json:"reply_to" gorm:"foreignKey:ReplyID"`
ArticleID *uint `json:"article_id"`
MomentID *uint `json:"moment_id"`
@ -3,15 +3,14 @@ package models
type Moment struct {
Content string `json:"content"`
Hashtags []Tag `json:"tags" gorm:"many2many:moment_tags"`
Categories []Category `json:"categories" gorm:"many2many:moment_categories"`
LikedAccounts []MomentLike `json:"liked_accounts"`
DislikedAccounts []MomentDislike `json:"disliked_accounts"`
RealmID *uint `json:"realm_id"`
RepostID *uint `json:"repost_id"`
Realm *Realm `json:"realm"`
RepostTo *Moment `json:"repost_to" gorm:"foreignKey:RepostID"`
Content string `json:"content"`
Hashtags []Tag `json:"tags" gorm:"many2many:moment_tags"`
Categories []Category `json:"categories" gorm:"many2many:moment_categories"`
Reactions []Reaction `json:"reactions"`
RealmID *uint `json:"realm_id"`
RepostID *uint `json:"repost_id"`
Realm *Realm `json:"realm"`
RepostTo *Moment `json:"repost_to" gorm:"foreignKey:RepostID"`
Comments []Comment `json:"comments" gorm:"foreignKey:MomentID"`
@ -22,11 +22,7 @@ type PostBase struct {
AuthorID uint `json:"author_id"`
Author Account `json:"author"`
// Dynamic Calculating Values
LikeCount int64 `json:"like_count" gorm:"-"`
DislikeCount int64 `json:"dislike_count" gorm:"-"`
ReplyCount int64 `json:"reply_count" gorm:"-"`
RepostCount int64 `json:"repost_count" gorm:"-"`
// TODO Give the reactions & replies & reposts info back
func (p PostBase) GetID() uint {
@ -49,13 +45,6 @@ func (p PostBase) GetRealm() *Realm {
return nil
func (p PostBase) SetReactInfo(info PostReactInfo) {
p.LikeCount = info.LikeCount
p.DislikeCount = info.DislikeCount
p.ReplyCount = info.ReplyCount
p.RepostCount = info.RepostCount
type PostInterface interface {
GetID() uint
GetHashtags() []Tag
@ -67,5 +56,4 @@ type PostInterface interface {
@ -1,63 +1,27 @@
package models
import "time"
import (
type CommentLike struct {
type ReactionAttitude = uint8
const (
AttitudeNeutral = ReactionAttitude(iota)
type Reaction struct {
ID uint `json:"id" gorm:"primaryKey"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"`
ArticleID *uint `json:"article_id"`
MomentID *uint `json:"moment_id"`
CommentID *uint `json:"comment_id"`
AccountID uint `json:"account_id"`
type CommentDislike struct {
ID uint `json:"id" gorm:"primaryKey"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"`
ArticleID *uint `json:"article_id"`
MomentID *uint `json:"moment_id"`
CommentID *uint `json:"comment_id"`
AccountID uint `json:"account_id"`
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
Attitude ReactionAttitude `json:"attitude"`
type MomentLike struct {
ID uint `json:"id" gorm:"primaryKey"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"`
ArticleID *uint `json:"article_id"`
MomentID *uint `json:"moment_id"`
CommentID *uint `json:"comment_id"`
AccountID uint `json:"account_id"`
type MomentDislike struct {
ID uint `json:"id" gorm:"primaryKey"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"`
ArticleID *uint `json:"article_id"`
MomentID *uint `json:"moment_id"`
CommentID *uint `json:"comment_id"`
AccountID uint `json:"account_id"`
type ArticleLike struct {
ID uint `json:"id" gorm:"primaryKey"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"`
ArticleID *uint `json:"article_id"`
MomentID *uint `json:"moment_id"`
CommentID *uint `json:"comment_id"`
AccountID uint `json:"account_id"`
type ArticleDislike struct {
ID uint `json:"id" gorm:"primaryKey"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"`
ArticleID *uint `json:"article_id"`
MomentID *uint `json:"moment_id"`
CommentID *uint `json:"comment_id"`
AccountID uint `json:"account_id"`
ArticleID *uint `json:"article_id"`
MomentID *uint `json:"moment_id"`
CommentID *uint `json:"comment_id"`
AccountID uint `json:"account_id"`
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ func editMoment(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
mx := getMomentContext().FilterAuthor(user.ID)
item, err := mx.Get(uint(id), true)
item, err := mx.Get(uint(id))
if err != nil {
return fiber.NewError(fiber.StatusNotFound, err.Error())
@ -188,29 +188,35 @@ func reactMoment(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
user := c.Locals("principal").(models.Account)
id, _ := c.ParamsInt("momentId", 0)
var data struct {
Symbol string `json:"symbol" validate:"required"`
Attitude models.ReactionAttitude `json:"attitude" validate:"required"`
if err := BindAndValidate(c, &data); err != nil {
return err
mx := getMomentContext()
item, err := mx.Get(uint(id), true)
item, err := mx.Get(uint(id))
if err != nil {
return fiber.NewError(fiber.StatusNotFound, err.Error())
switch strings.ToLower(c.Params("reactType")) {
case "like":
if positive, err := mx.ReactLike(user, item.ID); err != nil {
return fiber.NewError(fiber.StatusBadRequest, err.Error())
} else {
return c.SendStatus(lo.Ternary(positive, fiber.StatusCreated, fiber.StatusNoContent))
case "dislike":
if positive, err := mx.ReactDislike(user, item.ID); err != nil {
return fiber.NewError(fiber.StatusBadRequest, err.Error())
} else {
return c.SendStatus(lo.Ternary(positive, fiber.StatusCreated, fiber.StatusNoContent))
return fiber.NewError(fiber.StatusBadRequest, "unsupported reaction")
reaction := models.Reaction{
Symbol: data.Symbol,
Attitude: data.Attitude,
AccountID: user.ID,
MomentID: &item.ID,
if positive, reaction, err := mx.React(reaction); err != nil {
return fiber.NewError(fiber.StatusBadRequest, err.Error())
} else {
return c.Status(lo.Ternary(positive, fiber.StatusCreated, fiber.StatusNoContent)).JSON(reaction)
func deleteMoment(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
@ -219,7 +225,7 @@ func deleteMoment(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
mx := getMomentContext().FilterAuthor(user.ID)
item, err := mx.Get(uint(id), true)
item, err := mx.Get(uint(id))
if err != nil {
return fiber.NewError(fiber.StatusNotFound, err.Error())
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ func NewServer() {
moments.Get("/", listMoment)
moments.Get("/:momentId", getMoment)
moments.Post("/", authMiddleware, createMoment)
moments.Post("/:momentId/react/:reactType", authMiddleware, reactMoment)
moments.Post("/:momentId/react", authMiddleware, reactMoment)
moments.Put("/:momentId", authMiddleware, editMoment)
moments.Delete("/:momentId", authMiddleware, deleteMoment)
@ -7,12 +7,16 @@ import (
func LinkAccount(userinfo *proto.Userinfo) (models.Account, error) {
var account models.Account
if userinfo == nil {
return account, fmt.Errorf("remote userinfo was not found")
if err := database.C.Where(&models.Account{
ExternalID: uint(userinfo.Id),
}).First(&account).Error; err != nil {
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
pluralize "github.com/gertd/go-pluralize"
@ -14,35 +15,6 @@ import (
const (
reactUnionSelect = `SELECT t.id AS post_id,
COALESCE(l.like_count, 0) AS like_count,
COALESCE(d.dislike_count, 0) AS dislike_count--!COMMA!--
FROM %s t
LEFT JOIN (SELECT %s_id, COUNT(*) AS like_count
FROM %s_likes
GROUP BY %s_id) l ON t.id = l.%s_id
LEFT JOIN (SELECT %s_id, COUNT(*) AS dislike_count
FROM %s_likes
GROUP BY %s_id) d ON t.id = d.%s_id
WHERE t.id = ?`
// TODO Solve for the cross table query(like articles -> comments)
replyUnionColumn = `COALESCE(r.reply_count, 0) AS reply_count`
replyUnionSelect = `LEFT JOIN (SELECT reply_id, COUNT(*) AS reply_count
GROUP BY reply_id) r ON t.id = r.reply_id`
repostUnionColumn = `COALESCE(rp.repost_count, 0) AS repost_count`
repostUnionSelect = `LEFT JOIN (SELECT repost_id, COUNT(*) AS repost_count
GROUP BY repost_id) rp ON t.id = rp.repost_id`
type PostTypeContext[T models.PostInterface] struct {
Tx *gorm.DB
@ -62,7 +34,11 @@ func (v *PostTypeContext[T]) GetTableName(plural ...bool) string {
func (v *PostTypeContext[T]) Preload() *PostTypeContext[T] {
if v.CanReply {
@ -123,45 +99,12 @@ func (v *PostTypeContext[T]) SortCreatedAt(order string) *PostTypeContext[T] {
return v
func (v *PostTypeContext[T]) BuildReactInfoSql() string {
column := strings.ToLower(v.TypeName)
table := viper.GetString("database.prefix") + v.GetTableName()
pluralTable := viper.GetString("database.prefix") + v.GetTableName(true)
sql := fmt.Sprintf(reactUnionSelect, pluralTable, column, table, column, column, column, table, column, column)
if v.CanReply {
sql = strings.Replace(sql, "--!REPLY_UNION_COLUMN!--", replyUnionColumn, 1)
sql = strings.Replace(sql, "--!REPLY_UNION_SELECT!--", fmt.Sprintf(replyUnionSelect, pluralTable), 1)
if v.CanRepost {
sql = strings.Replace(sql, "--!REPOST_UNION_COLUMN!--", repostUnionColumn, 1)
sql = strings.Replace(sql, "--!REPOST_UNION_SELECT!--", fmt.Sprintf(repostUnionSelect, pluralTable), 1)
if v.CanReply || v.CanRepost {
sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "--!COMMA!--", ",")
if v.CanReply && v.CanRepost {
sql = strings.ReplaceAll(sql, "--!BOTH_COMMA!--", ",")
return sql
func (v *PostTypeContext[T]) Get(id uint, noReact ...bool) (T, error) {
func (v *PostTypeContext[T]) Get(id uint) (T, error) {
var item T
if err := v.Preload().Tx.Where("id = ?", id).First(&item).Error; err != nil {
return item, err
var reactInfo models.PostReactInfo
if len(noReact) <= 0 || !noReact[0] {
sql := v.BuildReactInfoSql()
database.C.Raw(sql, item.GetID()).Scan(&reactInfo)
return item, nil
@ -185,33 +128,6 @@ func (v *PostTypeContext[T]) List(take int, offset int, noReact ...bool) ([]T, e
return items, err
idx := lo.Map(items, func(item T, _ int) uint {
return item.GetID()
var reactInfo []struct {
PostID uint `json:"post_id"`
LikeCount int64 `json:"like_count"`
DislikeCount int64 `json:"dislike_count"`
ReplyCount int64 `json:"reply_count"`
RepostCount int64 `json:"repost_count"`
if len(noReact) <= 0 || !noReact[0] {
sql := v.BuildReactInfoSql()
database.C.Raw(sql, idx).Scan(&reactInfo)
itemMap := lo.SliceToMap(items, func(item T) (uint, T) {
return item.GetID(), item
for _, info := range reactInfo {
if item, ok := itemMap[info.PostID]; ok {
return items, nil
@ -320,32 +236,14 @@ func (v *PostTypeContext[T]) Delete(item T) error {
return database.C.Delete(&item).Error
func (v *PostTypeContext[T]) ReactLike(user models.Account, id uint) (bool, error) {
var count int64
table := viper.GetString("database.prefix") + v.GetTableName() + "_likes"
tx := database.C.Where("account_id = ?", user.ID).Where(v.GetTableName()+"id = ?", id)
if tx.Count(&count); count <= 0 {
return true, database.C.Table(table).Create(map[string]any{
"AccountID": user.ID,
v.TypeName + "ID": id,
func (v *PostTypeContext[T]) React(reaction models.Reaction) (bool, models.Reaction, error) {
if err := database.C.Where(reaction).First(&reaction).Error; err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
return true, reaction, database.C.Save(&reaction).Error
} else {
return true, reaction, err
} else {
column := strings.ToLower(v.TypeName)
return false, tx.Raw(fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE account_id = ? AND %s_id = ?", table, column), user.ID, id).Error
func (v *PostTypeContext[T]) ReactDislike(user models.Account, id uint) (bool, error) {
var count int64
table := viper.GetString("database.prefix") + v.GetTableName() + "_dislikes"
tx := database.C.Where("account_id = ?", user.ID).Where(v.GetTableName()+"id = ?", id)
if tx.Count(&count); count <= 0 {
return true, database.C.Table(table).Create(map[string]any{
"AccountID": user.ID,
v.TypeName + "ID": id,
} else {
column := strings.ToLower(v.TypeName)
return false, tx.Raw(fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE account_id = ? AND %s_id = ?", table, column), user.ID, id).Error
return false, reaction, database.C.Delete(&reaction).Error
Reference in New Issue
Block a user