package services

import (

	jsoniter ""



func AddNotifySubscriber(user models.Account, provider, id, tk, ua string) (models.NotificationSubscriber, error) {
	var prev models.NotificationSubscriber
	var subscriber models.NotificationSubscriber
	if err := database.C.Where(&models.NotificationSubscriber{
		DeviceID:  id,
		AccountID: user.ID,
	}); err != nil {
		subscriber = models.NotificationSubscriber{
			UserAgent:   ua,
			Provider:    provider,
			DeviceID:    id,
			DeviceToken: tk,
			AccountID:   user.ID,
	} else {
		prev = subscriber

	subscriber.UserAgent = ua
	subscriber.Provider = provider
	subscriber.DeviceToken = tk

	var err error
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(subscriber, prev) {
		err = database.C.Save(&subscriber).Error

	return subscriber, err

// NewNotification will create a notification and push via the push method it
// Please provide the notification with the account field is not empty
func NewNotification(notification models.Notification) error {
	if ok := CheckNotificationNotifiable(notification.Account, notification.Topic); !ok {
		log.Info().Str("topic", notification.Topic).Uint("uid", notification.AccountID).Msg("Notification dismissed by user...")
		return nil

	if err := database.C.Save(&notification).Error; err != nil {
		return err
	if err := PushNotification(notification, true); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil

func NewNotificationBatch(notifications []models.Notification) error {
	if len(notifications) == 0 {
		return nil

	notifiable := CheckNotificationNotifiableBatch(lo.Map(notifications, func(item models.Notification, index int) models.Account {
		return item.Account
	}), notifications[0].Topic)

	notifications = lo.Filter(notifications, func(item models.Notification, index int) bool {
		return notifiable[index]

	if err := database.C.CreateInBatches(notifications, 1000).Error; err != nil {
		return err

	PushNotificationBatch(notifications, true)
	return nil

// PushNotification will push a notification to the user, via websocket, firebase, or APNs
// Please provide the notification with the account field is not empty
func PushNotification(notification models.Notification, skipNotifiableCheck ...bool) error {
	if len(skipNotifiableCheck) == 0 || !skipNotifiableCheck[0] {
		if ok := CheckNotificationNotifiable(notification.Account, notification.Topic); !ok {
			log.Info().Str("topic", notification.Topic).Uint("uid", notification.AccountID).Msg("Notification dismissed by user...")
			return nil

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
	defer cancel()
	_, err := proto.NewStreamControllerClient(gap.H.GetDealerGrpcConn()).PushStream(ctx, &proto.PushStreamRequest{
		UserId: lo.ToPtr(uint64(notification.AccountID)),
		Body: hyper.NetworkPackage{
			Action:  "",
			Payload: notification,
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to push via websocket: %v", err)

	// Skip push notification
	if GetStatusDisturbable(notification.AccountID) != nil {
		return nil

	var subscribers []models.NotificationSubscriber
	if err := database.C.Where(&models.NotificationSubscriber{
		AccountID: notification.AccountID,
	}).Find(&subscribers).Error; err != nil {
		return err

	var providers []string
	var tokens []string
	for _, subscriber := range subscribers {
		providers = append(providers, subscriber.Provider)
		tokens = append(tokens, subscriber.DeviceToken)

	metadata, _ := jsoniter.Marshal(notification.Metadata)

	ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
	defer cancel()
	_, err = proto.NewPostmanClient(gap.H.GetDealerGrpcConn()).DeliverNotificationBatch(ctx, &proto.DeliverNotificationBatchRequest{
		Providers:    providers,
		DeviceTokens: tokens,
		Notify: &proto.NotifyRequest{
			Topic:       notification.Topic,
			Title:       notification.Title,
			Subtitle:    notification.Subtitle,
			Body:        notification.Body,
			Metadata:    metadata,
			Avatar:      notification.Avatar,
			Picture:     notification.Picture,
			IsRealtime:  notification.IsRealtime,
			IsForcePush: notification.IsForcePush,

	return err

func PushNotificationBatch(notifications []models.Notification, skipNotifiableCheck ...bool) {
	if len(notifications) == 0 {

	var accountIdx []uint
	if len(skipNotifiableCheck) == 0 || !skipNotifiableCheck[0] {
		notifiable := CheckNotificationNotifiableBatch(lo.Map(notifications, func(item models.Notification, index int) models.Account {
			return item.Account
		}), notifications[0].Topic)
		accountIdx = lo.Map(
			lo.Filter(notifications, func(item models.Notification, index int) bool {
				return notifiable[index]
			func(item models.Notification, index int) uint {
				return item.AccountID
	} else {
		accountIdx = lo.Map(
			func(item models.Notification, index int) uint {
				return item.AccountID

	if len(accountIdx) == 0 {

	var subscribers []models.NotificationSubscriber
	database.C.Where("account_id IN ?", accountIdx).Find(&subscribers)

	stream := proto.NewStreamControllerClient(gap.H.GetDealerGrpcConn())
	for _, notification := range notifications {
		ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
		_, _ = stream.PushStream(ctx, &proto.PushStreamRequest{
			UserId: lo.ToPtr(uint64(notification.AccountID)),
			Body: hyper.NetworkPackage{
				Action:  "",
				Payload: notification,

		// Skip push notification
		if GetStatusDisturbable(notification.AccountID) != nil {

		var providers []string
		var tokens []string
		for _, subscriber := range lo.Filter(subscribers, func(item models.NotificationSubscriber, index int) bool {
			return item.AccountID == notification.AccountID
		}) {
			providers = append(providers, subscriber.Provider)
			tokens = append(tokens, subscriber.DeviceToken)

		metadata, _ := jsoniter.Marshal(notification.Metadata)

		ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
		_, _ = proto.NewPostmanClient(gap.H.GetDealerGrpcConn()).DeliverNotificationBatch(ctx, &proto.DeliverNotificationBatchRequest{
			Providers:    providers,
			DeviceTokens: tokens,
			Notify: &proto.NotifyRequest{
				Topic:       notification.Topic,
				Title:       notification.Title,
				Subtitle:    notification.Subtitle,
				Body:        notification.Body,
				Metadata:    metadata,
				Avatar:      notification.Avatar,
				Picture:     notification.Picture,
				IsRealtime:  notification.IsRealtime,
				IsForcePush: notification.IsForcePush,