syntax = "proto3"; option go_package = ".;proto"; package proto; service PusherService { rpc PushNotification(PushNotificationRequest) returns (DeliveryResponse) {} rpc PushNotificationBatch(PushNotificationBatchRequest) returns (DeliveryResponse) {} rpc DeliverEmail(DeliverEmailRequest) returns (DeliveryResponse) {} rpc DeliverEmailBatch(DeliverEmailBatchRequest) returns (DeliveryResponse) {} } // Notifications parts message NotifyInfo { string topic = 1; string title = 2; optional string subtitle = 3; string body = 4; bytes metadata = 5; int32 priority = 6; optional string translate_key = 7; bytes translate_args = 8; } message PushNotificationRequest { string provider = 1; string device_token = 2; NotifyInfo notify = 3; } message PushNotificationBatchRequest { repeated string providers = 1; repeated string device_tokens = 2; NotifyInfo notify = 3; } // Email parts message EmailInfo { string subject = 1; optional string text_body = 2; optional string html_body = 3; } message DeliverEmailRequest { string to = 1; EmailInfo email = 2; } message DeliverEmailBatchRequest { repeated string to = 1; EmailInfo email = 2; } message DeliveryResponse { bool is_success = 1; }