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+ "friendStatusPending": "待處理", + "friendStatusWaiting": "等待中", + "friendStatusActive": "正活躍", + "friendStatusBlocked": "已遮蔽", + "friendRequestSent": "好友請求已傳送。", + "fieldFriendRelatedName": "好友名 / 賬戶 ID", + "friendBlock": "遮蔽", + "friendUnblock": "解除遮蔽", + "friendDeleteAction": "遺忘", + "friendDelete": "遺忘跟 {} 的關係", + "friendDeleteDescription": "你確定要遺忘跟 {} 的關係嗎?這個操作無法撤銷。", + "friendRequestAccept": "接受", + "friendRequestDecline": "拒絕", + "subscribe": "訂閱", + "unsubscribe": "取消訂閱", + "attachmentUploadBy": "上傳者", + "attachmentShotOn": "由 {} 拍攝", + "accountJoinedAt": "加入於 {}", + "accountBirthday": "出生於 {}", + "accountBadge": "徽章", + "badgeCompanyStaff": "索爾辛茨士大夫 · 員工", + "badgeSiteMigration": "Solar Network 原住民", + "accountStatus": "狀態", + "accountStatusOnline": "線上", + "accountStatusOffline": "離線", + "accountStatusLastSeen": "最後一次在 {} 上線", + "postArticle": "Solar Network 上的文章", + "articleWrittenAt": "發表於 {}", + "articleEditedAt": "編輯於 {}", + "attachmentSaved": "已儲存到相簿", + "openInAlbum": "在相簿中開啟", + "postAbuseReport": "檢舉帖子", + "postAbuseReportDescription": "檢舉不符合我們使用者協議以及社群準則的帖子,來幫助我們更好的維護 Solar Network 上的內容。請在下面描述該帖子如何違反我麼的相關規定。請勿填寫任何敏感資訊。我們將會在 24 小時內處理您的檢舉。", + "abuseReport": "檢舉", + "abuseReportDescription": "檢舉不符合我們使用者協議以及社群準則的任何資源,來幫助我們更好的維護 Solar Network 上的內容。請在下面描述資源的位置(提供資源 ID 為佳)以及如何違反我麼的相關規定。請勿填寫任何敏感資訊。我們將會在 24 小時內處理您的檢舉。", + "abuseReportAction": "提交檢舉", + "abuseReportActionDescription": "檢舉不合規行為。", + "abuseReportResource": "資源位置 / ID", + "abuseReportReason": "檢舉原因", + "abuseReportSubmitted": "檢舉已提交,感謝你的貢獻。", + "submit": "提交", + "accountDeletion": "刪除帳戶", + "accountDeletionDescription": "你確定要刪除這個帳戶嗎?該操作不可撤銷,其隸屬於該帳戶的所有資源(帖子、聊天頻道、釋出者、製品等)都將被永久刪除。三思而後行!", + "accountDeletionActionDescription": "刪除你的 Solarpass 帳戶。", + "accountDeletionSubmitted": "帳戶刪除申請已發出,你可以檢查你的收件箱並根據郵件內的指示完成刪除操作。", + "channelNewChannel": "新建頻道", + "channelNewDirectMessage": "發起私信", + "channelDirectMessageDescription": "與 {} 的私聊", + "fieldCannotBeEmpty": "此欄位不能為空。", + "termAcceptLink": "瀏覽條款", + "termAcceptNextWithAgree": "點選 “下一步”,即表示你同意我們的各項條款,包括其之後的更新。", + "unauthorized": "未登陸", + "unauthorizedDescription": "登陸以探索整個 Solar Network。", + "serviceStatus": "服務狀態", + "termRelated": "相關條款", + "appDetails": "應用程式詳情", + "postRecommendation": "推薦帖子" +} diff --git a/lib/main.dart b/lib/main.dart index 06ae709..a17b5d8 100644 --- a/lib/main.dart +++ b/lib/main.dart @@ -59,8 +59,7 @@ void main() async { await SentryFlutter.init( (options) { - options.dsn = - 'https://c218d44126d59d69301e730498494def@o4506965897117696.ingest.us.sentry.io/4508346768228352'; + options.dsn = 'https://c218d44126d59d69301e730498494def@o4506965897117696.ingest.us.sentry.io/4508346768228352'; options.tracesSampleRate = 1.0; options.profilesSampleRate = 1.0; }, @@ -76,10 +75,14 @@ class SolianApp extends StatelessWidget { return ResponsiveBreakpoints.builder( child: EasyLocalization( path: 'assets/translations', - supportedLocales: [Locale('en', 'US'), Locale('zh', 'CN')], + supportedLocales: [ + Locale('en', 'US'), + Locale('zh', 'CN'), + Locale('zh', 'TW'), + Locale('zh', 'HK'), + ], fallbackLocale: Locale('en', 'US'), useFallbackTranslations: true, - useOnlyLangCode: true, assetLoader: JsonAssetLoader(), child: MultiProvider( providers: [