✨ Chat listing
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ PODS:
- Flutter
- image_picker_ios (0.0.1):
- Flutter
- isar_flutter_libs (1.0.0):
- Flutter
- path_provider_foundation (0.0.1):
- Flutter
- FlutterMacOS
@ -72,6 +74,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES:
- flutter_native_splash (from `.symlinks/plugins/flutter_native_splash/ios`)
- flutter_secure_storage (from `.symlinks/plugins/flutter_secure_storage/ios`)
- image_picker_ios (from `.symlinks/plugins/image_picker_ios/ios`)
- isar_flutter_libs (from `.symlinks/plugins/isar_flutter_libs/ios`)
- path_provider_foundation (from `.symlinks/plugins/path_provider_foundation/darwin`)
- shared_preferences_foundation (from `.symlinks/plugins/shared_preferences_foundation/darwin`)
- sqflite_darwin (from `.symlinks/plugins/sqflite_darwin/darwin`)
@ -101,6 +104,8 @@ EXTERNAL SOURCES:
:path: ".symlinks/plugins/flutter_secure_storage/ios"
:path: ".symlinks/plugins/image_picker_ios/ios"
:path: ".symlinks/plugins/isar_flutter_libs/ios"
:path: ".symlinks/plugins/path_provider_foundation/darwin"
@ -121,6 +126,7 @@ SPEC CHECKSUMS:
flutter_native_splash: edf599c81f74d093a4daf8e17bd7a018854bc778
flutter_secure_storage: d33dac7ae2ea08509be337e775f6b59f1ff45f12
image_picker_ios: c560581cceedb403a6ff17f2f816d7fea1421fc1
isar_flutter_libs: b69f437aeab9c521821c3f376198c4371fa21073
path_provider_foundation: 2b6b4c569c0fb62ec74538f866245ac84301af46
SDWebImage: 8a6b7b160b4d710e2a22b6900e25301075c34cb3
shared_preferences_foundation: fcdcbc04712aee1108ac7fda236f363274528f78
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import 'package:hive_flutter/hive_flutter.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:relative_time/relative_time.dart';
import 'package:responsive_framework/responsive_framework.dart';
import 'package:surface/providers/channel.dart';
import 'package:surface/providers/navigation.dart';
import 'package:surface/providers/sn_attachment.dart';
import 'package:surface/providers/sn_network.dart';
@ -14,12 +15,14 @@ import 'package:surface/providers/theme.dart';
import 'package:surface/providers/userinfo.dart';
import 'package:surface/providers/websocket.dart';
import 'package:surface/router.dart';
import 'package:surface/types/chat.dart';
void main() async {
await EasyLocalization.ensureInitialized();
await Hive.initFlutter();
if (!kReleaseMode) {
debugInvertOversizedImages = true;
@ -52,6 +55,7 @@ class SolianApp extends StatelessWidget {
Provider(create: (ctx) => SnAttachmentProvider(ctx)),
ChangeNotifierProvider(create: (ctx) => UserProvider(ctx)),
ChangeNotifierProvider(create: (ctx) => WebSocketProvider(ctx)),
ChangeNotifierProvider(create: (ctx) => ChatChannelProvider(ctx)),
child: AppMainContent(),
@ -72,6 +76,7 @@ class AppMainContent extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final th = context.watch<ThemeProvider>();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:hive_flutter/hive_flutter.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:surface/providers/sn_network.dart';
import 'package:surface/types/chat.dart';
import 'package:surface/types/realm.dart';
class ChatChannelProvider extends ChangeNotifier {
static const kChatChannelBoxName = 'nex_chat_channels';
late final SnNetworkProvider _sn;
Box<SnChannel>? get _channelBox => Hive.box<SnChannel>(kChatChannelBoxName);
ChatChannelProvider(BuildContext context) {
_sn = context.read<SnNetworkProvider>();
Future<void> _initializeLocalData() async {
await Hive.openBox<SnChannel>(kChatChannelBoxName);
Future<void> _saveChannelToLocal(Iterable<SnChannel> channels) async {
if (_channelBox == null) return;
await _channelBox!.putAll({
for (final channel in channels) channel.key: channel,
Future<List<SnChannel>> _fetchChannelsFromServer(
{scope = 'global', direct = false}) async {
final resp = await _sn.client.get(
queryParameters: {
'direct': direct,
final out = List<SnChannel>.from(
resp.data?.map((e) => SnChannel.fromJson(e)) ?? [],
return out;
// The fetch channel method return a stream, which will emit twice.
// The first time is when the data was fetched from the local storage.
// And the second time is when the data was fetched from the server.
// But there is some exception that will only cause one of them to be emitted.
// Like the local storage is broken or the server is down.
Stream<List<SnChannel>> fetchChannels() async* {
if (_channelBox != null) yield _channelBox!.values.toList();
var resp = await _sn.client.get('/cgi/id/realms/me/available');
final realms = List<SnRealm>.from(
resp.data?.map((e) => SnRealm.fromJson(e)) ?? [],
final scopeToFetch = {'global', ...realms.map((e) => e.alias)};
final List<SnChannel> result = List.empty(growable: true);
final dm =
await _fetchChannelsFromServer(scope: scopeToFetch.first, direct: true);
for (final scope in scopeToFetch) {
final channel =
await _fetchChannelsFromServer(scope: scope, direct: false);
yield result;
void dispose() {
@ -3,10 +3,9 @@ import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:go_router/go_router.dart';
import 'package:material_symbols_icons/symbols.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:surface/providers/sn_network.dart';
import 'package:surface/providers/channel.dart';
import 'package:surface/types/chat.dart';
import 'package:surface/widgets/account/account_image.dart';
import 'package:surface/widgets/dialog.dart';
import 'package:surface/widgets/loading_indicator.dart';
class ChatScreen extends StatefulWidget {
@ -17,36 +16,23 @@ class ChatScreen extends StatefulWidget {
class _ChatScreenState extends State<ChatScreen> {
bool _isBusy = false;
bool _isBusy = true;
List<SnChannel>? _channels;
Future<void> _fetchChannels({scope = 'global', direct = false}) async {
setState(() => _isBusy = true);
try {
final sn = context.read<SnNetworkProvider>();
final resp = await sn.client.get(
queryParameters: {
'direct': direct,
_channels = List<SnChannel>.from(
resp.data?.map((e) => SnChannel.fromJson(e)) ?? [],
} catch (err) {
if (!mounted) return;
} finally {
setState(() => _isBusy = false);
void initState() {
final chan = context.read<ChatChannelProvider>();
chan.fetchChannels().listen((channels) {
if (mounted) setState(() => _channels = channels);
..onError((_) {
setState(() => _isBusy = false);
..onDone(() {
setState(() => _isBusy = false);
@ -71,7 +57,11 @@ class _ChatScreenState extends State<ChatScreen> {
final channel = _channels![idx];
return ListTile(
title: Text(channel.name),
subtitle: Text(channel.description),
subtitle: Text(
maxLines: 1,
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16),
leading: AccountImage(
content: null,
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart';
import 'package:hive_flutter/hive_flutter.dart';
import 'package:surface/types/realm.dart';
part 'chat.freezed.dart';
@ -6,25 +7,30 @@ part 'chat.g.dart';
class SnChannel with _$SnChannel {
const SnChannel._();
@HiveType(typeId: 2)
const factory SnChannel({
required int id,
required DateTime createdAt,
required DateTime updatedAt,
required dynamic deletedAt,
required String alias,
required String name,
required String description,
required List<dynamic> members,
required dynamic messages,
required dynamic calls,
required int type,
required int accountId,
required bool isPublic,
required bool isCommunity,
required SnRealm? realm,
required int? realmId,
@HiveField(0) required int id,
@HiveField(1) required DateTime createdAt,
@HiveField(2) required DateTime updatedAt,
@HiveField(3) required dynamic deletedAt,
@HiveField(4) required String alias,
@HiveField(5) required String name,
@HiveField(6) required String description,
@HiveField(7) required List<dynamic> members,
dynamic messages,
dynamic calls,
@HiveField(8) required int type,
@HiveField(9) required int accountId,
@HiveField(10) required SnRealm? realm,
@HiveField(11) required int? realmId,
@HiveField(12) required bool isPublic,
@HiveField(13) required bool isCommunity,
}) = _SnChannel;
factory SnChannel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
String get key => '${realm?.alias ?? 'global'}:$alias';
@ -20,22 +20,36 @@ SnChannel _$SnChannelFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
/// @nodoc
mixin _$SnChannel {
int get id => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
DateTime get createdAt => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
DateTime get updatedAt => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
dynamic get deletedAt => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
String get alias => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
String get name => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
String get description => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
List<dynamic> get members => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
dynamic get messages => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
dynamic get calls => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
int get type => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
int get accountId => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
bool get isPublic => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
bool get isCommunity => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
SnRealm? get realm => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
int? get realmId => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
bool get isPublic => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
bool get isCommunity => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
/// Serializes this SnChannel to a JSON map.
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;
@ -53,22 +67,22 @@ abstract class $SnChannelCopyWith<$Res> {
_$SnChannelCopyWithImpl<$Res, SnChannel>;
$Res call(
{int id,
DateTime createdAt,
DateTime updatedAt,
dynamic deletedAt,
String alias,
String name,
String description,
List<dynamic> members,
{@HiveField(0) int id,
@HiveField(1) DateTime createdAt,
@HiveField(2) DateTime updatedAt,
@HiveField(3) dynamic deletedAt,
@HiveField(4) String alias,
@HiveField(5) String name,
@HiveField(6) String description,
@HiveField(7) List<dynamic> members,
dynamic messages,
dynamic calls,
int type,
int accountId,
bool isPublic,
bool isCommunity,
SnRealm? realm,
int? realmId});
@HiveField(8) int type,
@HiveField(9) int accountId,
@HiveField(10) SnRealm? realm,
@HiveField(11) int? realmId,
@HiveField(12) bool isPublic,
@HiveField(13) bool isCommunity});
$SnRealmCopyWith<$Res>? get realm;
@ -100,10 +114,10 @@ class _$SnChannelCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends SnChannel>
Object? calls = freezed,
Object? type = null,
Object? accountId = null,
Object? isPublic = null,
Object? isCommunity = null,
Object? realm = freezed,
Object? realmId = freezed,
Object? isPublic = null,
Object? isCommunity = null,
}) {
return _then(_value.copyWith(
id: null == id
@ -154,14 +168,6 @@ class _$SnChannelCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends SnChannel>
? _value.accountId
: accountId // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int,
isPublic: null == isPublic
? _value.isPublic
: isPublic // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool,
isCommunity: null == isCommunity
? _value.isCommunity
: isCommunity // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool,
realm: freezed == realm
? _value.realm
: realm // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
@ -170,6 +176,14 @@ class _$SnChannelCopyWithImpl<$Res, $Val extends SnChannel>
? _value.realmId
: realmId // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int?,
isPublic: null == isPublic
? _value.isPublic
: isPublic // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool,
isCommunity: null == isCommunity
? _value.isCommunity
: isCommunity // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool,
) as $Val);
@ -197,22 +211,22 @@ abstract class _$$SnChannelImplCopyWith<$Res>
$Res call(
{int id,
DateTime createdAt,
DateTime updatedAt,
dynamic deletedAt,
String alias,
String name,
String description,
List<dynamic> members,
{@HiveField(0) int id,
@HiveField(1) DateTime createdAt,
@HiveField(2) DateTime updatedAt,
@HiveField(3) dynamic deletedAt,
@HiveField(4) String alias,
@HiveField(5) String name,
@HiveField(6) String description,
@HiveField(7) List<dynamic> members,
dynamic messages,
dynamic calls,
int type,
int accountId,
bool isPublic,
bool isCommunity,
SnRealm? realm,
int? realmId});
@HiveField(8) int type,
@HiveField(9) int accountId,
@HiveField(10) SnRealm? realm,
@HiveField(11) int? realmId,
@HiveField(12) bool isPublic,
@HiveField(13) bool isCommunity});
$SnRealmCopyWith<$Res>? get realm;
@ -243,10 +257,10 @@ class __$$SnChannelImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>
Object? calls = freezed,
Object? type = null,
Object? accountId = null,
Object? isPublic = null,
Object? isCommunity = null,
Object? realm = freezed,
Object? realmId = freezed,
Object? isPublic = null,
Object? isCommunity = null,
}) {
return _then(_$SnChannelImpl(
id: null == id
@ -297,14 +311,6 @@ class __$$SnChannelImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>
? _value.accountId
: accountId // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int,
isPublic: null == isPublic
? _value.isPublic
: isPublic // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool,
isCommunity: null == isCommunity
? _value.isCommunity
: isCommunity // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool,
realm: freezed == realm
? _value.realm
: realm // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
@ -313,51 +319,69 @@ class __$$SnChannelImplCopyWithImpl<$Res>
? _value.realmId
: realmId // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as int?,
isPublic: null == isPublic
? _value.isPublic
: isPublic // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool,
isCommunity: null == isCommunity
? _value.isCommunity
: isCommunity // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
as bool,
/// @nodoc
class _$SnChannelImpl implements _SnChannel {
@HiveType(typeId: 2)
class _$SnChannelImpl extends _SnChannel {
const _$SnChannelImpl(
{required this.id,
required this.createdAt,
required this.updatedAt,
required this.deletedAt,
required this.alias,
required this.name,
required this.description,
required final List<dynamic> members,
required this.messages,
required this.calls,
required this.type,
required this.accountId,
required this.isPublic,
required this.isCommunity,
required this.realm,
required this.realmId})
: _members = members;
{@HiveField(0) required this.id,
@HiveField(1) required this.createdAt,
@HiveField(2) required this.updatedAt,
@HiveField(3) required this.deletedAt,
@HiveField(4) required this.alias,
@HiveField(5) required this.name,
@HiveField(6) required this.description,
@HiveField(7) required final List<dynamic> members,
@HiveField(8) required this.type,
@HiveField(9) required this.accountId,
@HiveField(10) required this.realm,
@HiveField(11) required this.realmId,
@HiveField(12) required this.isPublic,
@HiveField(13) required this.isCommunity})
: _members = members,
factory _$SnChannelImpl.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
final int id;
final DateTime createdAt;
final DateTime updatedAt;
final dynamic deletedAt;
final String alias;
final String name;
final String description;
final List<dynamic> _members;
List<dynamic> get members {
if (_members is EqualUnmodifiableListView) return _members;
// ignore: implicit_dynamic_type
@ -369,21 +393,27 @@ class _$SnChannelImpl implements _SnChannel {
final dynamic calls;
final int type;
final int accountId;
final bool isPublic;
final bool isCommunity;
final SnRealm? realm;
final int? realmId;
final bool isPublic;
final bool isCommunity;
String toString() {
return 'SnChannel(id: $id, createdAt: $createdAt, updatedAt: $updatedAt, deletedAt: $deletedAt, alias: $alias, name: $name, description: $description, members: $members, messages: $messages, calls: $calls, type: $type, accountId: $accountId, isPublic: $isPublic, isCommunity: $isCommunity, realm: $realm, realmId: $realmId)';
return 'SnChannel(id: $id, createdAt: $createdAt, updatedAt: $updatedAt, deletedAt: $deletedAt, alias: $alias, name: $name, description: $description, members: $members, messages: $messages, calls: $calls, type: $type, accountId: $accountId, realm: $realm, realmId: $realmId, isPublic: $isPublic, isCommunity: $isCommunity)';
@ -407,12 +437,12 @@ class _$SnChannelImpl implements _SnChannel {
(identical(other.type, type) || other.type == type) &&
(identical(other.accountId, accountId) ||
other.accountId == accountId) &&
(identical(other.realm, realm) || other.realm == realm) &&
(identical(other.realmId, realmId) || other.realmId == realmId) &&
(identical(other.isPublic, isPublic) ||
other.isPublic == isPublic) &&
(identical(other.isCommunity, isCommunity) ||
other.isCommunity == isCommunity) &&
(identical(other.realm, realm) || other.realm == realm) &&
(identical(other.realmId, realmId) || other.realmId == realmId));
other.isCommunity == isCommunity));
@JsonKey(includeFromJson: false, includeToJson: false)
@ -431,10 +461,10 @@ class _$SnChannelImpl implements _SnChannel {
const DeepCollectionEquality().hash(calls),
/// Create a copy of SnChannel
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ -452,60 +482,75 @@ class _$SnChannelImpl implements _SnChannel {
abstract class _SnChannel implements SnChannel {
abstract class _SnChannel extends SnChannel {
const factory _SnChannel(
{required final int id,
required final DateTime createdAt,
required final DateTime updatedAt,
required final dynamic deletedAt,
required final String alias,
required final String name,
required final String description,
required final List<dynamic> members,
required final dynamic messages,
required final dynamic calls,
required final int type,
required final int accountId,
required final bool isPublic,
required final bool isCommunity,
required final SnRealm? realm,
required final int? realmId}) = _$SnChannelImpl;
{@HiveField(0) required final int id,
@HiveField(1) required final DateTime createdAt,
@HiveField(2) required final DateTime updatedAt,
@HiveField(3) required final dynamic deletedAt,
@HiveField(4) required final String alias,
@HiveField(5) required final String name,
@HiveField(6) required final String description,
@HiveField(7) required final List<dynamic> members,
final dynamic messages,
final dynamic calls,
@HiveField(8) required final int type,
@HiveField(9) required final int accountId,
@HiveField(10) required final SnRealm? realm,
@HiveField(11) required final int? realmId,
@HiveField(12) required final bool isPublic,
@HiveField(13) required final bool isCommunity}) = _$SnChannelImpl;
const _SnChannel._() : super._();
factory _SnChannel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =
int get id;
DateTime get createdAt;
DateTime get updatedAt;
dynamic get deletedAt;
String get alias;
String get name;
String get description;
List<dynamic> get members;
dynamic get messages;
dynamic get calls;
int get type;
int get accountId;
bool get isPublic;
bool get isCommunity;
SnRealm? get realm;
int? get realmId;
bool get isPublic;
bool get isCommunity;
/// Create a copy of SnChannel
/// with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
@ -2,6 +2,83 @@
part of 'chat.dart';
// **************************************************************************
// TypeAdapterGenerator
// **************************************************************************
class SnChannelImplAdapter extends TypeAdapter<_$SnChannelImpl> {
final int typeId = 2;
_$SnChannelImpl read(BinaryReader reader) {
final numOfFields = reader.readByte();
final fields = <int, dynamic>{
for (int i = 0; i < numOfFields; i++) reader.readByte(): reader.read(),
return _$SnChannelImpl(
id: fields[0] as int,
createdAt: fields[1] as DateTime,
updatedAt: fields[2] as DateTime,
deletedAt: fields[3] as dynamic,
alias: fields[4] as String,
name: fields[5] as String,
description: fields[6] as String,
members: (fields[7] as List).cast<dynamic>(),
type: fields[8] as int,
accountId: fields[9] as int,
realm: fields[10] as SnRealm?,
realmId: fields[11] as int?,
isPublic: fields[12] as bool,
isCommunity: fields[13] as bool,
void write(BinaryWriter writer, _$SnChannelImpl obj) {
int get hashCode => typeId.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
identical(this, other) ||
other is SnChannelImplAdapter &&
runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
typeId == other.typeId;
// **************************************************************************
// JsonSerializableGenerator
// **************************************************************************
@ -20,12 +97,12 @@ _$SnChannelImpl _$$SnChannelImplFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
calls: json['calls'],
type: (json['type'] as num).toInt(),
accountId: (json['account_id'] as num).toInt(),
isPublic: json['is_public'] as bool,
isCommunity: json['is_community'] as bool,
realm: json['realm'] == null
? null
: SnRealm.fromJson(json['realm'] as Map<String, dynamic>),
realmId: (json['realm_id'] as num?)?.toInt(),
isPublic: json['is_public'] as bool,
isCommunity: json['is_community'] as bool,
Map<String, dynamic> _$$SnChannelImplToJson(_$SnChannelImpl instance) =>
@ -42,8 +119,8 @@ Map<String, dynamic> _$$SnChannelImplToJson(_$SnChannelImpl instance) =>
'calls': instance.calls,
'type': instance.type,
'account_id': instance.accountId,
'is_public': instance.isPublic,
'is_community': instance.isCommunity,
'realm': instance.realm?.toJson(),
'realm_id': instance.realmId,
'is_public': instance.isPublic,
'is_community': instance.isCommunity,
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include <file_selector_linux/file_selector_plugin.h>
#include <flutter_secure_storage_linux/flutter_secure_storage_linux_plugin.h>
#include <isar_flutter_libs/isar_flutter_libs_plugin.h>
#include <url_launcher_linux/url_launcher_plugin.h>
void fl_register_plugins(FlPluginRegistry* registry) {
@ -17,6 +18,9 @@ void fl_register_plugins(FlPluginRegistry* registry) {
g_autoptr(FlPluginRegistrar) flutter_secure_storage_linux_registrar =
fl_plugin_registry_get_registrar_for_plugin(registry, "FlutterSecureStorageLinuxPlugin");
g_autoptr(FlPluginRegistrar) isar_flutter_libs_registrar =
fl_plugin_registry_get_registrar_for_plugin(registry, "IsarFlutterLibsPlugin");
g_autoptr(FlPluginRegistrar) url_launcher_linux_registrar =
fl_plugin_registry_get_registrar_for_plugin(registry, "UrlLauncherPlugin");
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Foundation
import connectivity_plus
import file_selector_macos
import flutter_secure_storage_macos
import isar_flutter_libs
import path_provider_foundation
import shared_preferences_foundation
import sqflite_darwin
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ func RegisterGeneratedPlugins(registry: FlutterPluginRegistry) {
ConnectivityPlusPlugin.register(with: registry.registrar(forPlugin: "ConnectivityPlusPlugin"))
FileSelectorPlugin.register(with: registry.registrar(forPlugin: "FileSelectorPlugin"))
FlutterSecureStoragePlugin.register(with: registry.registrar(forPlugin: "FlutterSecureStoragePlugin"))
IsarFlutterLibsPlugin.register(with: registry.registrar(forPlugin: "IsarFlutterLibsPlugin"))
PathProviderPlugin.register(with: registry.registrar(forPlugin: "PathProviderPlugin"))
SharedPreferencesPlugin.register(with: registry.registrar(forPlugin: "SharedPreferencesPlugin"))
SqflitePlugin.register(with: registry.registrar(forPlugin: "SqflitePlugin"))
@ -818,6 +818,22 @@ packages:
url: "https://pub.dev"
source: hosted
version: "1.0.4"
dependency: "direct main"
name: isar
sha256: "99165dadb2cf2329d3140198363a7e7bff9bbd441871898a87e26914d25cf1ea"
url: "https://pub.dev"
source: hosted
version: "3.1.0+1"
dependency: "direct main"
name: isar_flutter_libs
sha256: bc6768cc4b9c61aabff77152e7f33b4b17d2fc93134f7af1c3dd51500fe8d5e8
url: "https://pub.dev"
source: hosted
version: "3.1.0+1"
dependency: transitive
@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ dependencies:
collection: ^1.18.0
mime: ^2.0.0
web_socket_channel: ^3.0.1
isar: ^3.1.0+1
isar_flutter_libs: ^3.1.0+1
hive: ^2.2.3
hive_flutter: ^1.1.0
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <connectivity_plus/connectivity_plus_windows_plugin.h>
#include <file_selector_windows/file_selector_windows.h>
#include <flutter_secure_storage_windows/flutter_secure_storage_windows_plugin.h>
#include <isar_flutter_libs/isar_flutter_libs_plugin.h>
#include <url_launcher_windows/url_launcher_windows.h>
void RegisterPlugins(flutter::PluginRegistry* registry) {
@ -18,6 +19,8 @@ void RegisterPlugins(flutter::PluginRegistry* registry) {
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ list(APPEND FLUTTER_PLUGIN_LIST
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