import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:developer'; import 'package:dio/dio.dart'; import 'package:dio_smart_retry/dio_smart_retry.dart'; import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart'; import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; import 'package:surface/providers/adapters/sn_network_universal.dart'; const kAtkStoreKey = 'nex_user_atk'; const kRtkStoreKey = 'nex_user_rtk'; const kNetworkServerDefault = ''; const kNetworkServerStoreKey = 'app_server_url'; const kNetworkServerDirectory = [ ('SN Preview', ''), ('SN Stable', ''), ('Local', 'http://localhost:8001'), ]; class SnNetworkProvider { late Dio client; late final SharedPreferences _prefs; late final FlutterSecureStorage _storage = FlutterSecureStorage(); SnNetworkProvider() { client = Dio(); // client.interceptors.add(RetryInterceptor( // dio: client, // retries: 3, // retryDelays: const [ // Duration(milliseconds: 300), // Duration(milliseconds: 1000), // Duration(milliseconds: 3000), // ], // )); client.interceptors.add( InterceptorsWrapper( onRequest: ( RequestOptions options, RequestInterceptorHandler handler, ) async { final atk = await getFreshAtk(); if (atk != null) { options.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer $atk'; } return; }, ), ); client = addClientAdapter(client); SharedPreferences.getInstance().then((prefs) { _prefs = prefs; client.options.baseUrl = _prefs.getString(kNetworkServerStoreKey) ?? kNetworkServerDefault; }); } Future getFreshAtk() async { try { var atk = await kAtkStoreKey); if (atk != null) { final atkParts = atk.split('.'); if (atkParts.length != 3) { throw Exception('invalid format of access token'); } var rawPayload = atkParts[1].replaceAll('-', '+').replaceAll('_', '/'); switch (rawPayload.length % 4) { case 0: break; case 2: rawPayload += '=='; break; case 3: rawPayload += '='; break; default: throw Exception('illegal format of access token payload'); } final b64 = utf8.fuse(base64Url); final payload = b64.decode(rawPayload); final exp = jsonDecode(payload)['exp']; if (exp <= ~/ 1000) { log('Access token need refresh, doing it at ${}'); atk = await refreshToken(); } if (atk != null) { return atk; } else { log('Access token refresh failed...'); } } } catch (err) { log('Failed to authenticate user: $err'); } return null; } String getAttachmentUrl(String ky) { if (ky.startsWith("http")) return ky; return '${client.options.baseUrl}/cgi/uc/attachments/$ky'; } Future setTokenPair(String atk, String rtk) async { await Future.wait([ _storage.write(key: kAtkStoreKey, value: atk), _storage.write(key: kRtkStoreKey, value: rtk), ]); } Future clearTokenPair() async { await Future.wait([ _storage.delete(key: kAtkStoreKey), _storage.delete(key: kRtkStoreKey), ]); } Future refreshToken() async { final rtk = await kRtkStoreKey); if (rtk == null) return null; final dio = Dio(); dio.options.baseUrl = client.options.baseUrl; final resp = await'/cgi/id/auth/token', data: { 'grant_type': 'refresh_token', 'refresh_token': rtk, }); final atk =['access_token']; final nRtk =['refresh_token']; await setTokenPair(atk, nRtk); return atk; } void setBaseUrl(String url) { client.options.baseUrl = url; } }