package services import ( "errors" "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "time" ) func FilterPostWithCategory(tx *gorm.DB, alias string) *gorm.DB { return tx.Joins("JOIN post_categories ON = post_categories.post_id"). Joins("JOIN post_categories ON = post_categories.category_id"). Where("post_categories.alias = ?", alias) } func FilterPostWithTag(tx *gorm.DB, alias string) *gorm.DB { return tx.Joins("JOIN post_tags ON = post_tags.post_id"). Joins("JOIN post_tags ON = post_tags.category_id"). Where("post_tags.alias = ?", alias) } func FilterWithRealm(tx *gorm.DB, id uint) *gorm.DB { if id > 0 { return tx.Where("realm_id = ?", id) } else { return tx.Where("realm_id IS NULL") } } func FilterPostReply(tx *gorm.DB, replyTo ...uint) *gorm.DB { if len(replyTo) > 0 && replyTo[0] > 0 { return tx.Where("reply_id = ?", replyTo[0]) } else { return tx.Where("reply_id IS NULL") } } func FilterPostWithPublishedAt(tx *gorm.DB, date time.Time) *gorm.DB { return tx.Where("published_at <= ? AND published_at IS NULL", date) } func GetPostWithAlias(alias string, ignoreLimitation ...bool) (models.Post, error) { tx := database.C if len(ignoreLimitation) == 0 || !ignoreLimitation[0] { tx = FilterPostWithPublishedAt(tx, time.Now()) } var item models.Post if err := tx. Where("alias = ?", alias). Preload("Author"). Preload("ReplyTo"). Preload("ReplyTo.Author"). Preload("RepostTo"). Preload("RepostTo.Author"). First(&item).Error; err != nil { return item, err } return item, nil } func GetPost(id uint, ignoreLimitation ...bool) (models.Post, error) { tx := database.C if len(ignoreLimitation) == 0 || !ignoreLimitation[0] { tx = FilterPostWithPublishedAt(tx, time.Now()) } var item models.Post if err := tx. Where("id = ?", id). Preload("Author"). Preload("ReplyTo"). Preload("ReplyTo.Author"). Preload("RepostTo"). Preload("RepostTo.Author"). First(&item).Error; err != nil { return item, err } return item, nil } func CountPost(tx *gorm.DB) (int64, error) { var count int64 if err := tx.Model(&models.Post{}).Count(&count).Error; err != nil { return count, err } return count, nil } func CountPostReply(id uint) int64 { var count int64 if err := database.C.Model(&models.Post{}). Where("reply_id = ?", id). Count(&count).Error; err != nil { return 0 } return count } func CountPostReactions(id uint) int64 { var count int64 if err := database.C.Model(&models.Reaction{}). Where("post_id = ?", id). Count(&count).Error; err != nil { return 0 } return count } func ListPostReactions(id uint) (map[string]int64, error) { var reactions []struct { Symbol string Count int64 } if err := database.C.Model(&models.Reaction{}). Select("symbol, COUNT(id) as count"). Where("post_id = ?", id). Group("symbol"). Scan(&reactions).Error; err != nil { return map[string]int64{}, err } return lo.SliceToMap(reactions, func(item struct { Symbol string Count int64 }, ) (string, int64) { return item.Symbol, item.Count }), nil } func ListPost(tx *gorm.DB, take int, offset int, noReact ...bool) ([]models.Post, error) { if take > 20 { take = 20 } var items []models.Post if err := tx. Limit(take).Offset(offset). Order("created_at DESC"). Preload("Author"). Preload("ReplyTo"). Preload("ReplyTo.Author"). Preload("RepostTo"). Preload("RepostTo.Author"). Find(&items).Error; err != nil { return items, err } idx := lo.Map(items, func(item models.Post, index int) uint { return item.ID }) if len(noReact) <= 0 || !noReact[0] { var reactions []struct { PostID uint Symbol string Count int64 } if err := database.C.Model(&models.Reaction{}). Select("post_id as post_id, symbol, COUNT(id) as count"). Where("post_id IN (?)", idx). Group("post_id, symbol"). Scan(&reactions).Error; err != nil { return items, err } itemMap := lo.SliceToMap(items, func(item models.Post) (uint, models.Post) { return item.ID, item }) list := map[uint]map[string]int64{} for _, info := range reactions { if _, ok := list[info.PostID]; !ok { list[info.PostID] = make(map[string]int64) } list[info.PostID][info.Symbol] = info.Count } for k, v := range list { if post, ok := itemMap[k]; ok { post.ReactionList = v } } } return items, nil } func InitPostCategoriesAndTags(item models.Post) (models.Post, error) { var err error for idx, category := range item.Categories { item.Categories[idx], err = GetCategory(category.Alias) if err != nil { return item, err } } for idx, tag := range item.Tags { item.Tags[idx], err = GetTagOrCreate(tag.Alias, tag.Name) if err != nil { return item, err } } return item, nil } func NewPost(user models.Account, item models.Post) (models.Post, error) { item, err := InitPostCategoriesAndTags(item) if err != nil { return item, err } if item.RealmID != nil { _, err := GetRealmMember(*item.RealmID, user.ExternalID) if err != nil { return item, fmt.Errorf("you aren't a part of that realm: %v", err) } } if err := database.C.Save(&item).Error; err != nil { return item, err } // Notify the original poster its post has been replied if item.ReplyID != nil { go func() { var op models.Post if err := database.C. Where("id = ?", item.ReplyID). Preload("Author"). First(&op).Error; err == nil { if op.Author.ID != user.ID { postUrl := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/posts/%s", viper.GetString("domain"), item.Alias) err := NotifyAccount( op.Author, fmt.Sprintf("%s replied you", user.Nick), fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s) replied your post #%s.", user.Nick, user.Name, op.Alias), false, &proto.NotifyLink{Label: "Related post", Url: postUrl}, ) if err != nil { log.Error().Err(err).Msg("An error occurred when notifying user...") } } } }() } return item, nil } func EditPost(item models.Post) (models.Post, error) { item, err := InitPostCategoriesAndTags(item) if err != nil { return item, err } err = database.C.Save(&item).Error return item, err } func DeletePost(item models.Post) error { return database.C.Delete(&item).Error } func ReactPost(reaction models.Reaction) (bool, models.Reaction, error) { if err := database.C.Where(reaction).First(&reaction).Error; err != nil { if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { return true, reaction, database.C.Save(&reaction).Error } else { return true, reaction, err } } else { return false, reaction, database.C.Delete(&reaction).Error } }