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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,6597 @@
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+false Atlantic/South_Georgia
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+false Atlantic/Stanley
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+true Europe/Podgorica
+true Europe/Prague
+true Europe/Riga
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+true Europe/Sofia
+true Europe/Stockholm
+true Europe/Tallinn
+true Europe/Tirane
+true Europe/Tiraspol
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+true Europe/Vaduz
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+false Indian/Comoro
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+false Indian/Mauritius
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+false NZT
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+true PYST
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+false Pacific/Fiji
+false Pacific/Funafuti
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+false Pacific/Gambier
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+false Pacific/Guam
+false Pacific/Honolulu
+false Pacific/Johnston
+false Pacific/Kanton
+false Pacific/Kiritimati
+false Pacific/Kosrae
+false Pacific/Kwajalein
+false Pacific/Majuro
+false Pacific/Marquesas
+false Pacific/Midway
+false Pacific/Nauru
+false Pacific/Niue
+false Pacific/Norfolk
+false Pacific/Noumea
+false Pacific/Pago_Pago
+false Pacific/Palau
+false Pacific/Pitcairn
+false Pacific/Pohnpei
+false Pacific/Ponape
+false Pacific/Port_Moresby
+false Pacific/Rarotonga
+false Pacific/Saipan
+false Pacific/Samoa
+false Pacific/Tahiti
+false Pacific/Tarawa
+false Pacific/Tongatapu
+false Pacific/Truk
+false Pacific/Wake
+false Pacific/Wallis
+false Pacific/Yap
+true Poland
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+false ROC
+false ROK
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+false SCT
+false SGT
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+false TFT
+false TJT
+false TKT
+false TMT
+false TOT
+false TRUT
+false TVT
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+true ULAST
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+true US/Pacific
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+false UTC
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+false UYT
+true UZST
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+false posix/Africa/Harare
+false posix/Africa/Johannesburg
+false posix/Africa/Juba
+false posix/Africa/Kampala
+false posix/Africa/Khartoum
+false posix/Africa/Kigali
+false posix/Africa/Kinshasa
+false posix/Africa/Lagos
+false posix/Africa/Libreville
+false posix/Africa/Lome
+false posix/Africa/Luanda
+false posix/Africa/Lubumbashi
+false posix/Africa/Lusaka
+false posix/Africa/Malabo
+false posix/Africa/Maputo
+false posix/Africa/Maseru
+false posix/Africa/Mbabane
+false posix/Africa/Mogadishu
+false posix/Africa/Monrovia
+false posix/Africa/Nairobi
+false posix/Africa/Ndjamena
+false posix/Africa/Niamey
+false posix/Africa/Nouakchott
+false posix/Africa/Ouagadougou
+false posix/Africa/Porto-Novo
+false posix/Africa/Sao_Tome
+false posix/Africa/Timbuktu
+false posix/Africa/Tripoli
+false posix/Africa/Tunis
+false posix/Africa/Windhoek
+true posix/America/Adak
+true posix/America/Anchorage
+false posix/America/Anguilla
+false posix/America/Antigua
+false posix/America/Araguaina
+false posix/America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires
+false posix/America/Argentina/Catamarca
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+false posix/America/Chihuahua
+true posix/America/Ciudad_Juarez
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+false posix/America/Cordoba
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+false posix/America/Cuiaba
+false posix/America/Curacao
+false posix/America/Danmarkshavn
+false posix/America/Dawson
+false posix/America/Dawson_Creek
+true posix/America/Denver
+true posix/America/Detroit
+false posix/America/Dominica
+true posix/America/Edmonton
+false posix/America/Eirunepe
+false posix/America/El_Salvador
+true posix/America/Ensenada
+false posix/America/Fort_Nelson
+true posix/America/Fort_Wayne
+false posix/America/Fortaleza
+true posix/America/Glace_Bay
+true posix/America/Godthab
+true posix/America/Goose_Bay
+true posix/America/Grand_Turk
+false posix/America/Grenada
+false posix/America/Guadeloupe
+false posix/America/Guatemala
+false posix/America/Guayaquil
+false posix/America/Guyana
+true posix/America/Halifax
+true posix/America/Havana
+false posix/America/Hermosillo
+true posix/America/Indiana/Indianapolis
+true posix/America/Indiana/Knox
+true posix/America/Indiana/Marengo
+true posix/America/Indiana/Petersburg
+true posix/America/Indiana/Tell_City
+true posix/America/Indiana/Vevay
+true posix/America/Indiana/Vincennes
+true posix/America/Indiana/Winamac
+true posix/America/Indianapolis
+true posix/America/Inuvik
+true posix/America/Iqaluit
+false posix/America/Jamaica
+false posix/America/Jujuy
+true posix/America/Juneau
+true posix/America/Kentucky/Louisville
+true posix/America/Kentucky/Monticello
+true posix/America/Knox_IN
+false posix/America/Kralendijk
+false posix/America/La_Paz
+false posix/America/Lima
+true posix/America/Los_Angeles
+true posix/America/Louisville
+false posix/America/Lower_Princes
+false posix/America/Maceio
+false posix/America/Managua
+false posix/America/Manaus
+false posix/America/Marigot
+false posix/America/Martinique
+true posix/America/Matamoros
+false posix/America/Mazatlan
+false posix/America/Mendoza
+true posix/America/Menominee
+false posix/America/Merida
+true posix/America/Metlakatla
+false posix/America/Mexico_City
+true posix/America/Miquelon
+true posix/America/Moncton
+false posix/America/Monterrey
+false posix/America/Montevideo
+true posix/America/Montreal
+false posix/America/Montserrat
+true posix/America/Nassau
+true posix/America/New_York
+true posix/America/Nipigon
+true posix/America/Nome
+false posix/America/Noronha
+true posix/America/North_Dakota/Beulah
+true posix/America/North_Dakota/Center
+true posix/America/North_Dakota/New_Salem
+true posix/America/Nuuk
+true posix/America/Ojinaga
+false posix/America/Panama
+true posix/America/Pangnirtung
+false posix/America/Paramaribo
+false posix/America/Phoenix
+true posix/America/Port-au-Prince
+false posix/America/Port_of_Spain
+false posix/America/Porto_Acre
+false posix/America/Porto_Velho
+false posix/America/Puerto_Rico
+false posix/America/Punta_Arenas
+true posix/America/Rainy_River
+true posix/America/Rankin_Inlet
+false posix/America/Recife
+false posix/America/Regina
+true posix/America/Resolute
+false posix/America/Rio_Branco
+false posix/America/Rosario
+true posix/America/Santa_Isabel
+false posix/America/Santarem
+false posix/America/Santiago
+false posix/America/Santo_Domingo
+false posix/America/Sao_Paulo
+true posix/America/Scoresbysund
+true posix/America/Shiprock
+true posix/America/Sitka
+false posix/America/St_Barthelemy
+true posix/America/St_Johns
+false posix/America/St_Kitts
+false posix/America/St_Lucia
+false posix/America/St_Thomas
+false posix/America/St_Vincent
+false posix/America/Swift_Current
+false posix/America/Tegucigalpa
+true posix/America/Thule
+true posix/America/Thunder_Bay
+true posix/America/Tijuana
+true posix/America/Toronto
+false posix/America/Tortola
+true posix/America/Vancouver
+false posix/America/Virgin
+false posix/America/Whitehorse
+true posix/America/Winnipeg
+true posix/America/Yakutat
+true posix/America/Yellowknife
+false posix/Antarctica/Casey
+false posix/Antarctica/Davis
+false posix/Antarctica/DumontDUrville
+false posix/Antarctica/Macquarie
+false posix/Antarctica/Mawson
+false posix/Antarctica/McMurdo
+false posix/Antarctica/Palmer
+false posix/Antarctica/Rothera
+false posix/Antarctica/South_Pole
+false posix/Antarctica/Syowa
+true posix/Antarctica/Troll
+false posix/Antarctica/Vostok
+true posix/Arctic/Longyearbyen
+false posix/Asia/Aden
+false posix/Asia/Almaty
+false posix/Asia/Amman
+false posix/Asia/Anadyr
+false posix/Asia/Aqtau
+false posix/Asia/Aqtobe
+false posix/Asia/Ashgabat
+false posix/Asia/Ashkhabad
+false posix/Asia/Atyrau
+false posix/Asia/Baghdad
+false posix/Asia/Bahrain
+false posix/Asia/Baku
+false posix/Asia/Bangkok
+false posix/Asia/Barnaul
+true posix/Asia/Beirut
+false posix/Asia/Bishkek
+false posix/Asia/Brunei
+false posix/Asia/Calcutta
+false posix/Asia/Chita
+false posix/Asia/Choibalsan
+false posix/Asia/Chongqing
+false posix/Asia/Chungking
+false posix/Asia/Colombo
+false posix/Asia/Dacca
+false posix/Asia/Damascus
+false posix/Asia/Dhaka
+false posix/Asia/Dili
+false posix/Asia/Dubai
+false posix/Asia/Dushanbe
+true posix/Asia/Famagusta
+true posix/Asia/Gaza
+false posix/Asia/Harbin
+true posix/Asia/Hebron
+false posix/Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh
+false posix/Asia/Hong_Kong
+false posix/Asia/Hovd
+false posix/Asia/Irkutsk
+false posix/Asia/Istanbul
+false posix/Asia/Jakarta
+false posix/Asia/Jayapura
+true posix/Asia/Jerusalem
+false posix/Asia/Kabul
+false posix/Asia/Kamchatka
+false posix/Asia/Karachi
+false posix/Asia/Kashgar
+false posix/Asia/Kathmandu
+false posix/Asia/Katmandu
+false posix/Asia/Khandyga
+false posix/Asia/Kolkata
+false posix/Asia/Krasnoyarsk
+false posix/Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
+false posix/Asia/Kuching
+false posix/Asia/Kuwait
+false posix/Asia/Macao
+false posix/Asia/Macau
+false posix/Asia/Magadan
+false posix/Asia/Makassar
+false posix/Asia/Manila
+false posix/Asia/Muscat
+true posix/Asia/Nicosia
+false posix/Asia/Novokuznetsk
+false posix/Asia/Novosibirsk
+false posix/Asia/Omsk
+false posix/Asia/Oral
+false posix/Asia/Phnom_Penh
+false posix/Asia/Pontianak
+false posix/Asia/Pyongyang
+false posix/Asia/Qatar
+false posix/Asia/Qostanay
+false posix/Asia/Qyzylorda
+false posix/Asia/Rangoon
+false posix/Asia/Riyadh
+false posix/Asia/Saigon
+false posix/Asia/Sakhalin
+false posix/Asia/Samarkand
+false posix/Asia/Seoul
+false posix/Asia/Shanghai
+false posix/Asia/Singapore
+false posix/Asia/Srednekolymsk
+false posix/Asia/Taipei
+false posix/Asia/Tashkent
+false posix/Asia/Tbilisi
+false posix/Asia/Tehran
+true posix/Asia/Tel_Aviv
+false posix/Asia/Thimbu
+false posix/Asia/Thimphu
+false posix/Asia/Tokyo
+false posix/Asia/Tomsk
+false posix/Asia/Ujung_Pandang
+false posix/Asia/Ulaanbaatar
+false posix/Asia/Ulan_Bator
+false posix/Asia/Urumqi
+false posix/Asia/Ust-Nera
+false posix/Asia/Vientiane
+false posix/Asia/Vladivostok
+false posix/Asia/Yakutsk
+false posix/Asia/Yangon
+false posix/Asia/Yekaterinburg
+false posix/Asia/Yerevan
+true posix/Atlantic/Azores
+true posix/Atlantic/Bermuda
+true posix/Atlantic/Canary
+false posix/Atlantic/Cape_Verde
+true posix/Atlantic/Faeroe
+true posix/Atlantic/Faroe
+true posix/Atlantic/Jan_Mayen
+true posix/Atlantic/Madeira
+false posix/Atlantic/Reykjavik
+false posix/Atlantic/South_Georgia
+false posix/Atlantic/St_Helena
+false posix/Atlantic/Stanley
+false posix/Australia/ACT
+false posix/Australia/Adelaide
+false posix/Australia/Brisbane
+false posix/Australia/Broken_Hill
+false posix/Australia/Canberra
+false posix/Australia/Currie
+false posix/Australia/Darwin
+false posix/Australia/Eucla
+false posix/Australia/Hobart
+false posix/Australia/LHI
+false posix/Australia/Lindeman
+false posix/Australia/Lord_Howe
+false posix/Australia/Melbourne
+false posix/Australia/NSW
+false posix/Australia/North
+false posix/Australia/Perth
+false posix/Australia/Queensland
+false posix/Australia/South
+false posix/Australia/Sydney
+false posix/Australia/Tasmania
+false posix/Australia/Victoria
+false posix/Australia/West
+false posix/Australia/Yancowinna
+false posix/Brazil/Acre
+false posix/Brazil/DeNoronha
+false posix/Brazil/East
+false posix/Brazil/West
+true posix/CET
+true posix/CST6CDT
+true posix/Canada/Atlantic
+true posix/Canada/Central
+true posix/Canada/Eastern
+true posix/Canada/Mountain
+true posix/Canada/Newfoundland
+true posix/Canada/Pacific
+false posix/Canada/Saskatchewan
+false posix/Canada/Yukon
+false posix/Chile/Continental
+false posix/Chile/EasterIsland
+true posix/Cuba
+true posix/EET
+false posix/EST
+true posix/EST5EDT
+true posix/Egypt
+false posix/Eire
+false posix/Etc/GMT
+false posix/Etc/GMT+0
+false posix/Etc/GMT+1
+false posix/Etc/GMT+10
+false posix/Etc/GMT+11
+false posix/Etc/GMT+12
+false posix/Etc/GMT+2
+false posix/Etc/GMT+3
+false posix/Etc/GMT+4
+false posix/Etc/GMT+5
+false posix/Etc/GMT+6
+false posix/Etc/GMT+7
+false posix/Etc/GMT+8
+false posix/Etc/GMT+9
+false posix/Etc/GMT-0
+false posix/Etc/GMT-1
+false posix/Etc/GMT-10
+false posix/Etc/GMT-11
+false posix/Etc/GMT-12
+false posix/Etc/GMT-13
+false posix/Etc/GMT-14
+false posix/Etc/GMT-2
+false posix/Etc/GMT-3
+false posix/Etc/GMT-4
+false posix/Etc/GMT-5
+false posix/Etc/GMT-6
+false posix/Etc/GMT-7
+false posix/Etc/GMT-8
+false posix/Etc/GMT-9
+false posix/Etc/GMT0
+false posix/Etc/Greenwich
+false posix/Etc/UCT
+false posix/Etc/UTC
+false posix/Etc/Universal
+false posix/Etc/Zulu
+true posix/Europe/Amsterdam
+true posix/Europe/Andorra
+false posix/Europe/Astrakhan
+true posix/Europe/Athens
+true posix/Europe/Belfast
+true posix/Europe/Belgrade
+true posix/Europe/Berlin
+true posix/Europe/Bratislava
+true posix/Europe/Brussels
+true posix/Europe/Bucharest
+true posix/Europe/Budapest
+true posix/Europe/Busingen
+true posix/Europe/Chisinau
+true posix/Europe/Copenhagen
+false posix/Europe/Dublin
+true posix/Europe/Gibraltar
+true posix/Europe/Guernsey
+true posix/Europe/Helsinki
+true posix/Europe/Isle_of_Man
+false posix/Europe/Istanbul
+true posix/Europe/Jersey
+false posix/Europe/Kaliningrad
+true posix/Europe/Kiev
+false posix/Europe/Kirov
+true posix/Europe/Kyiv
+true posix/Europe/Lisbon
+true posix/Europe/Ljubljana
+true posix/Europe/London
+true posix/Europe/Luxembourg
+true posix/Europe/Madrid
+true posix/Europe/Malta
+true posix/Europe/Mariehamn
+false posix/Europe/Minsk
+true posix/Europe/Monaco
+false posix/Europe/Moscow
+true posix/Europe/Nicosia
+true posix/Europe/Oslo
+true posix/Europe/Paris
+true posix/Europe/Podgorica
+true posix/Europe/Prague
+true posix/Europe/Riga
+true posix/Europe/Rome
+false posix/Europe/Samara
+true posix/Europe/San_Marino
+true posix/Europe/Sarajevo
+false posix/Europe/Saratov
+false posix/Europe/Simferopol
+true posix/Europe/Skopje
+true posix/Europe/Sofia
+true posix/Europe/Stockholm
+true posix/Europe/Tallinn
+true posix/Europe/Tirane
+true posix/Europe/Tiraspol
+false posix/Europe/Ulyanovsk
+true posix/Europe/Uzhgorod
+true posix/Europe/Vaduz
+true posix/Europe/Vatican
+true posix/Europe/Vienna
+true posix/Europe/Vilnius
+false posix/Europe/Volgograd
+true posix/Europe/Warsaw
+true posix/Europe/Zagreb
+true posix/Europe/Zaporozhye
+true posix/Europe/Zurich
+false posix/Factory
+true posix/GB
+true posix/GB-Eire
+false posix/GMT
+false posix/GMT+0
+false posix/GMT-0
+false posix/GMT0
+false posix/Greenwich
+false posix/HST
+false posix/Hongkong
+false posix/Iceland
+false posix/Indian/Antananarivo
+false posix/Indian/Chagos
+false posix/Indian/Christmas
+false posix/Indian/Cocos
+false posix/Indian/Comoro
+false posix/Indian/Kerguelen
+false posix/Indian/Mahe
+false posix/Indian/Maldives
+false posix/Indian/Mauritius
+false posix/Indian/Mayotte
+false posix/Indian/Reunion
+false posix/Iran
+true posix/Israel
+false posix/Jamaica
+false posix/Japan
+false posix/Kwajalein
+false posix/Libya
+true posix/MET
+false posix/MST
+true posix/MST7MDT
+true posix/Mexico/BajaNorte
+false posix/Mexico/BajaSur
+false posix/Mexico/General
+false posix/NZ
+false posix/NZ-CHAT
+true posix/Navajo
+false posix/PRC
+true posix/PST8PDT
+false posix/Pacific/Apia
+false posix/Pacific/Auckland
+false posix/Pacific/Bougainville
+false posix/Pacific/Chatham
+false posix/Pacific/Chuuk
+false posix/Pacific/Easter
+false posix/Pacific/Efate
+false posix/Pacific/Enderbury
+false posix/Pacific/Fakaofo
+false posix/Pacific/Fiji
+false posix/Pacific/Funafuti
+false posix/Pacific/Galapagos
+false posix/Pacific/Gambier
+false posix/Pacific/Guadalcanal
+false posix/Pacific/Guam
+false posix/Pacific/Honolulu
+false posix/Pacific/Johnston
+false posix/Pacific/Kanton
+false posix/Pacific/Kiritimati
+false posix/Pacific/Kosrae
+false posix/Pacific/Kwajalein
+false posix/Pacific/Majuro
+false posix/Pacific/Marquesas
+false posix/Pacific/Midway
+false posix/Pacific/Nauru
+false posix/Pacific/Niue
+false posix/Pacific/Norfolk
+false posix/Pacific/Noumea
+false posix/Pacific/Pago_Pago
+false posix/Pacific/Palau
+false posix/Pacific/Pitcairn
+false posix/Pacific/Pohnpei
+false posix/Pacific/Ponape
+false posix/Pacific/Port_Moresby
+false posix/Pacific/Rarotonga
+false posix/Pacific/Saipan
+false posix/Pacific/Samoa
+false posix/Pacific/Tahiti
+false posix/Pacific/Tarawa
+false posix/Pacific/Tongatapu
+false posix/Pacific/Truk
+false posix/Pacific/Wake
+false posix/Pacific/Wallis
+false posix/Pacific/Yap
+true posix/Poland
+true posix/Portugal
+false posix/ROC
+false posix/ROK
+false posix/Singapore
+false posix/Turkey
+false posix/UCT
+true posix/US/Alaska
+true posix/US/Aleutian
+false posix/US/Arizona
+true posix/US/Central
+true posix/US/East-Indiana
+true posix/US/Eastern
+false posix/US/Hawaii
+true posix/US/Indiana-Starke
+true posix/US/Michigan
+true posix/US/Mountain
+true posix/US/Pacific
+false posix/US/Samoa
+false posix/UTC
+false posix/Universal
+false posix/W-SU
+true posix/WET
+false posix/Zulu
+true posixrules
+ 1
+ 11||10|C|G
+ 41831
+ 16388
+ postgres
+ default administrative connection database
+ 5
+ postgres
+ 16389
+ postgres
+ 16390
+ postgres
+ 6171
+ 6181
+ 6182
+ 3373
+ 3374
+ 3374
+ 3375
+ 3377
+ 4569
+ 4570
+ 4571
+ 4200
+ 4544
+ 4550
+ 6304
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 10
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 16969
+ 1
+ 1663
+ 1
+ postgres
+ 1664
+ 1
+ postgres
+ block range index (BRIN) access method
+ 3580
+ 1
+ index
+ 335
+ brinhandler
+ pg_catalog
+ b-tree index access method
+ 403
+ 1
+ index
+ 330
+ bthandler
+ pg_catalog
+ GIN index access method
+ 2742
+ 1
+ index
+ 333
+ ginhandler
+ pg_catalog
+ GiST index access method
+ 783
+ 1
+ index
+ 332
+ gisthandler
+ pg_catalog
+ hash index access method
+ 405
+ 1
+ index
+ 331
+ hashhandler
+ pg_catalog
+ heap table access method
+ 2
+ 1
+ table
+ 3
+ heap_tableam_handler
+ pg_catalog
+ SP-GiST index access method
+ 4000
+ 1
+ index
+ 334
+ spghandler
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10035
+ 1
+ 2558
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 16
+ bool
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10201
+ 1
+ 2971
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ 16
+ bool
+ pg_catalog
+ 1042
+ bpchar
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10191
+ 1
+ 2971
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ 16
+ bool
+ pg_catalog
+ 25
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10196
+ 1
+ 2971
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ 16
+ bool
+ pg_catalog
+ 1043
+ varchar
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10143
+ 1
+ 77
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 18
+ char
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10133
+ 1
+ 946
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ 18
+ char
+ pg_catalog
+ 1043
+ varchar
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10131
+ 1
+ 946
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ 18
+ char
+ pg_catalog
+ 25
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10132
+ 1
+ 860
+ bpchar
+ pg_catalog
+ 18
+ char
+ pg_catalog
+ 1042
+ bpchar
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10135
+ 1
+ 408
+ bpchar
+ pg_catalog
+ 19
+ name
+ pg_catalog
+ 1042
+ bpchar
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10134
+ 1
+ 406
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ 19
+ name
+ pg_catalog
+ 25
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10136
+ 1
+ 1401
+ varchar
+ pg_catalog
+ 19
+ name
+ pg_catalog
+ 1043
+ varchar
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10090
+ 1
+ 1287
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 2206
+ regtype
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10060
+ 1
+ 1287
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 2203
+ regoper
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10003
+ 1
+ 482
+ float8
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 701
+ float8
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10069
+ 1
+ 1287
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 2204
+ regoperator
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10001
+ 1
+ 480
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10044
+ 1
+ 1287
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 24
+ regproc
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10113
+ 1
+ 1287
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 4096
+ regrole
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10120
+ 1
+ 1287
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 4089
+ regnamespace
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10002
+ 1
+ 652
+ float4
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 700
+ float4
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10104
+ 1
+ 1287
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 3769
+ regdictionary
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10083
+ 1
+ 1287
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 4191
+ regcollation
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10033
+ 1
+ 3812
+ money
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 790
+ money
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10037
+ 1
+ 1287
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10097
+ 1
+ 1287
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 3734
+ regconfig
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10000
+ 1
+ 714
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 21
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10185
+ 1
+ 2075
+ bit
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 1560
+ bit
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10004
+ 1
+ 1781
+ numeric
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 1700
+ numeric
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10053
+ 1
+ 1287
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 2202
+ regprocedure
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10076
+ 1
+ 1287
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 2205
+ regclass
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10045
+ 1
+ 313
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 21
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ 24
+ regproc
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10091
+ 1
+ 313
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 21
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ 2206
+ regtype
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10084
+ 1
+ 313
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 21
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ 4191
+ regcollation
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10070
+ 1
+ 313
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 21
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ 2204
+ regoperator
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10038
+ 1
+ 313
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 21
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10009
+ 1
+ 1782
+ numeric
+ pg_catalog
+ 21
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ 1700
+ numeric
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10077
+ 1
+ 313
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 21
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ 2205
+ regclass
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10006
+ 1
+ 313
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 21
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10054
+ 1
+ 313
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 21
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ 2202
+ regprocedure
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10007
+ 1
+ 236
+ float4
+ pg_catalog
+ 21
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ 700
+ float4
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10005
+ 1
+ 754
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 21
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10114
+ 1
+ 313
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 21
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ 4096
+ regrole
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10008
+ 1
+ 235
+ float8
+ pg_catalog
+ 21
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ 701
+ float8
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10105
+ 1
+ 313
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 21
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ 3769
+ regdictionary
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10121
+ 1
+ 313
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 21
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ 4089
+ regnamespace
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10061
+ 1
+ 313
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 21
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ 2203
+ regoper
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10098
+ 1
+ 313
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 21
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ 3734
+ regconfig
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10078
+ 1
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 2205
+ regclass
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10085
+ 1
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 4191
+ regcollation
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10115
+ 1
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 4096
+ regrole
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10144
+ 1
+ 78
+ char
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 18
+ char
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10122
+ 1
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 4089
+ regnamespace
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10010
+ 1
+ 481
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10106
+ 1
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 3769
+ regdictionary
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10099
+ 1
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 3734
+ regconfig
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10011
+ 1
+ 314
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 21
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10092
+ 1
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 2206
+ regtype
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10071
+ 1
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 2204
+ regoperator
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10062
+ 1
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 2203
+ regoper
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10046
+ 1
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 24
+ regproc
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10055
+ 1
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 2202
+ regprocedure
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10034
+ 1
+ 2557
+ bool
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 16
+ bool
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10014
+ 1
+ 1740
+ numeric
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 1700
+ numeric
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10039
+ 1
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10186
+ 1
+ 1683
+ bit
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 1560
+ bit
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10012
+ 1
+ 318
+ float4
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 700
+ float4
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10013
+ 1
+ 316
+ float8
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 701
+ float8
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10032
+ 1
+ 3811
+ money
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 790
+ money
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ binary
+ 10048
+ 1
+ 24
+ regproc
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10047
+ 1
+ 1288
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 24
+ regproc
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10043
+ 1
+ 24
+ regproc
+ pg_catalog
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10049
+ 1
+ 24
+ regproc
+ pg_catalog
+ 2202
+ regprocedure
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10125
+ 1
+ 25
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ 1042
+ bpchar
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10140
+ 1
+ 407
+ name
+ pg_catalog
+ 25
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ 19
+ name
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10137
+ 1
+ 944
+ char
+ pg_catalog
+ 25
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ 18
+ char
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10126
+ 1
+ 25
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ 1043
+ varchar
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10193
+ 1
+ 2896
+ xml
+ pg_catalog
+ 25
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ 142
+ xml
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10109
+ 1
+ 1079
+ regclass
+ pg_catalog
+ 25
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ 2205
+ regclass
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10074
+ 1
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 2205
+ regclass
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10051
+ 1
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 2202
+ regprocedure
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10095
+ 1
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 3734
+ regconfig
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10058
+ 1
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 2203
+ regoper
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10081
+ 1
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 4191
+ regcollation
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10067
+ 1
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 2204
+ regoperator
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10042
+ 1
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 24
+ regproc
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10040
+ 1
+ 1288
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10111
+ 1
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 4096
+ regrole
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10102
+ 1
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 3769
+ regdictionary
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10088
+ 1
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 2206
+ regtype
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ binary
+ 10041
+ 1
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10118
+ 1
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ 4089
+ regnamespace
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ io
+ 10214
+ 1
+ 114
+ json
+ pg_catalog
+ 3802
+ jsonb
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ binary
+ 10202
+ 1
+ 142
+ xml
+ pg_catalog
+ 1042
+ bpchar
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ binary
+ 10197
+ 1
+ 142
+ xml
+ pg_catalog
+ 1043
+ varchar
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ binary
+ 10192
+ 1
+ 142
+ xml
+ pg_catalog
+ 25
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10145
+ 1
+ 194
+ pg_node_tree
+ pg_catalog
+ 25
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10165
+ 1
+ 4091
+ box
+ pg_catalog
+ 600
+ point
+ pg_catalog
+ 603
+ box
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10166
+ 1
+ 1532
+ point
+ pg_catalog
+ 601
+ lseg
+ pg_catalog
+ 600
+ point
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10167
+ 1
+ 1449
+ polygon
+ pg_catalog
+ 602
+ path
+ pg_catalog
+ 604
+ polygon
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10168
+ 1
+ 1534
+ point
+ pg_catalog
+ 603
+ box
+ pg_catalog
+ 600
+ point
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10171
+ 1
+ 1479
+ circle
+ pg_catalog
+ 603
+ box
+ pg_catalog
+ 718
+ circle
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10169
+ 1
+ 1541
+ lseg
+ pg_catalog
+ 603
+ box
+ pg_catalog
+ 601
+ lseg
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10170
+ 1
+ 1448
+ polygon
+ pg_catalog
+ 603
+ box
+ pg_catalog
+ 604
+ polygon
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10172
+ 1
+ 1540
+ point
+ pg_catalog
+ 604
+ polygon
+ pg_catalog
+ 600
+ point
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10175
+ 1
+ 1474
+ circle
+ pg_catalog
+ 604
+ polygon
+ pg_catalog
+ 718
+ circle
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10174
+ 1
+ 1446
+ box
+ pg_catalog
+ 604
+ polygon
+ pg_catalog
+ 603
+ box
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10173
+ 1
+ 1447
+ path
+ pg_catalog
+ 604
+ polygon
+ pg_catalog
+ 602
+ path
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10194
+ 1
+ 730
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ 650
+ cidr
+ pg_catalog
+ 1043
+ varchar
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10199
+ 1
+ 730
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ 650
+ cidr
+ pg_catalog
+ 1042
+ bpchar
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10189
+ 1
+ 730
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ 650
+ cidr
+ pg_catalog
+ 25
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10181
+ 1
+ 650
+ cidr
+ pg_catalog
+ 869
+ inet
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10016
+ 1
+ 238
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ 700
+ float4
+ pg_catalog
+ 21
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10015
+ 1
+ 653
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 700
+ float4
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10018
+ 1
+ 311
+ float8
+ pg_catalog
+ 700
+ float4
+ pg_catalog
+ 701
+ float8
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10019
+ 1
+ 1742
+ numeric
+ pg_catalog
+ 700
+ float4
+ pg_catalog
+ 1700
+ numeric
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10017
+ 1
+ 319
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 700
+ float4
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10024
+ 1
+ 1743
+ numeric
+ pg_catalog
+ 701
+ float8
+ pg_catalog
+ 1700
+ numeric
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10020
+ 1
+ 483
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 701
+ float8
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10021
+ 1
+ 237
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ 701
+ float8
+ pg_catalog
+ 21
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10022
+ 1
+ 317
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 701
+ float8
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10023
+ 1
+ 312
+ float4
+ pg_catalog
+ 701
+ float8
+ pg_catalog
+ 700
+ float4
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10178
+ 1
+ 1544
+ polygon
+ pg_catalog
+ 718
+ circle
+ pg_catalog
+ 604
+ polygon
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10176
+ 1
+ 1416
+ point
+ pg_catalog
+ 718
+ circle
+ pg_catalog
+ 600
+ point
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10177
+ 1
+ 1480
+ box
+ pg_catalog
+ 718
+ circle
+ pg_catalog
+ 603
+ box
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10180
+ 1
+ 4124
+ macaddr
+ pg_catalog
+ 774
+ macaddr8
+ pg_catalog
+ 829
+ macaddr
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10030
+ 1
+ 3823
+ numeric
+ pg_catalog
+ 790
+ money
+ pg_catalog
+ 1700
+ numeric
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10179
+ 1
+ 4123
+ macaddr8
+ pg_catalog
+ 829
+ macaddr
+ pg_catalog
+ 774
+ macaddr8
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10195
+ 1
+ 730
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ 869
+ inet
+ pg_catalog
+ 1043
+ varchar
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10190
+ 1
+ 730
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ 869
+ inet
+ pg_catalog
+ 25
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10182
+ 1
+ 1715
+ cidr
+ pg_catalog
+ 869
+ inet
+ pg_catalog
+ 650
+ cidr
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10200
+ 1
+ 730
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ 869
+ inet
+ pg_catalog
+ 1042
+ bpchar
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10204
+ 1
+ 668
+ bpchar
+ pg_catalog
+ 1042
+ bpchar
+ pg_catalog
+ 1042
+ bpchar
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10128
+ 1
+ 401
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ 1042
+ bpchar
+ pg_catalog
+ 1043
+ varchar
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10203
+ 1
+ 2896
+ xml
+ pg_catalog
+ 1042
+ bpchar
+ pg_catalog
+ 142
+ xml
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10127
+ 1
+ 401
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ 1042
+ bpchar
+ pg_catalog
+ 25
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10138
+ 1
+ 944
+ char
+ pg_catalog
+ 1042
+ bpchar
+ pg_catalog
+ 18
+ char
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10141
+ 1
+ 409
+ name
+ pg_catalog
+ 1042
+ bpchar
+ pg_catalog
+ 19
+ name
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10129
+ 1
+ 1043
+ varchar
+ pg_catalog
+ 25
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10142
+ 1
+ 1400
+ name
+ pg_catalog
+ 1043
+ varchar
+ pg_catalog
+ 19
+ name
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10130
+ 1
+ 1043
+ varchar
+ pg_catalog
+ 1042
+ bpchar
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10198
+ 1
+ 2896
+ xml
+ pg_catalog
+ 1043
+ varchar
+ pg_catalog
+ 142
+ xml
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10110
+ 1
+ 1079
+ regclass
+ pg_catalog
+ 1043
+ varchar
+ pg_catalog
+ 2205
+ regclass
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10205
+ 1
+ 669
+ varchar
+ pg_catalog
+ 1043
+ varchar
+ pg_catalog
+ 1043
+ varchar
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10139
+ 1
+ 944
+ char
+ pg_catalog
+ 1043
+ varchar
+ pg_catalog
+ 18
+ char
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10152
+ 1
+ 2024
+ timestamp
+ pg_catalog
+ 1082
+ date
+ pg_catalog
+ 1114
+ timestamp
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10153
+ 1
+ 1174
+ timestamptz
+ pg_catalog
+ 1082
+ date
+ pg_catalog
+ 1184
+ timestamptz
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10206
+ 1
+ 1968
+ time
+ pg_catalog
+ 1083
+ time
+ pg_catalog
+ 1083
+ time
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10155
+ 1
+ 2047
+ timetz
+ pg_catalog
+ 1083
+ time
+ pg_catalog
+ 1266
+ timetz
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10154
+ 1
+ 1370
+ interval
+ pg_catalog
+ 1083
+ time
+ pg_catalog
+ 1186
+ interval
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10158
+ 1
+ 2028
+ timestamptz
+ pg_catalog
+ 1114
+ timestamp
+ pg_catalog
+ 1184
+ timestamptz
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10156
+ 1
+ 2029
+ date
+ pg_catalog
+ 1114
+ timestamp
+ pg_catalog
+ 1082
+ date
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10157
+ 1
+ 1316
+ time
+ pg_catalog
+ 1114
+ timestamp
+ pg_catalog
+ 1083
+ time
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10207
+ 1
+ 1961
+ timestamp
+ pg_catalog
+ 1114
+ timestamp
+ pg_catalog
+ 1114
+ timestamp
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10159
+ 1
+ 1178
+ date
+ pg_catalog
+ 1184
+ timestamptz
+ pg_catalog
+ 1082
+ date
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10162
+ 1
+ 1388
+ timetz
+ pg_catalog
+ 1184
+ timestamptz
+ pg_catalog
+ 1266
+ timetz
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10160
+ 1
+ 2019
+ time
+ pg_catalog
+ 1184
+ timestamptz
+ pg_catalog
+ 1083
+ time
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10161
+ 1
+ 2027
+ timestamp
+ pg_catalog
+ 1184
+ timestamptz
+ pg_catalog
+ 1114
+ timestamp
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10208
+ 1
+ 1967
+ timestamptz
+ pg_catalog
+ 1184
+ timestamptz
+ pg_catalog
+ 1184
+ timestamptz
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10209
+ 1
+ 1200
+ interval
+ pg_catalog
+ 1186
+ interval
+ pg_catalog
+ 1186
+ interval
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10163
+ 1
+ 1419
+ time
+ pg_catalog
+ 1186
+ interval
+ pg_catalog
+ 1083
+ time
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10164
+ 1
+ 2046
+ time
+ pg_catalog
+ 1266
+ timetz
+ pg_catalog
+ 1083
+ time
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10210
+ 1
+ 1969
+ timetz
+ pg_catalog
+ 1266
+ timetz
+ pg_catalog
+ 1266
+ timetz
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10187
+ 1
+ 2076
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 1560
+ bit
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10211
+ 1
+ 1685
+ bit
+ pg_catalog
+ 1560
+ bit
+ pg_catalog
+ 1560
+ bit
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10183
+ 1
+ 1560
+ bit
+ pg_catalog
+ 1562
+ varbit
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10188
+ 1
+ 1684
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 1560
+ bit
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10184
+ 1
+ 1562
+ varbit
+ pg_catalog
+ 1560
+ bit
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10212
+ 1
+ 1687
+ varbit
+ pg_catalog
+ 1562
+ varbit
+ pg_catalog
+ 1562
+ varbit
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10025
+ 1
+ 1779
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 1700
+ numeric
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10026
+ 1
+ 1783
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ 1700
+ numeric
+ pg_catalog
+ 21
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10027
+ 1
+ 1744
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 1700
+ numeric
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10213
+ 1
+ 1703
+ numeric
+ pg_catalog
+ 1700
+ numeric
+ pg_catalog
+ 1700
+ numeric
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10029
+ 1
+ 1746
+ float8
+ pg_catalog
+ 1700
+ numeric
+ pg_catalog
+ 701
+ float8
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10031
+ 1
+ 3824
+ money
+ pg_catalog
+ 1700
+ numeric
+ pg_catalog
+ 790
+ money
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ function
+ 10028
+ 1
+ 1745
+ float4
+ pg_catalog
+ 1700
+ numeric
+ pg_catalog
+ 700
+ float4
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ binary
+ 10057
+ 1
+ 2202
+ regprocedure
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10052
+ 1
+ 2202
+ regprocedure
+ pg_catalog
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10056
+ 1
+ 1288
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 2202
+ regprocedure
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10050
+ 1
+ 2202
+ regprocedure
+ pg_catalog
+ 24
+ regproc
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10065
+ 1
+ 2203
+ regoper
+ pg_catalog
+ 2204
+ regoperator
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10063
+ 1
+ 1288
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 2203
+ regoper
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10059
+ 1
+ 2203
+ regoper
+ pg_catalog
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ binary
+ 10064
+ 1
+ 2203
+ regoper
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ binary
+ 10073
+ 1
+ 2204
+ regoperator
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10068
+ 1
+ 2204
+ regoperator
+ pg_catalog
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10072
+ 1
+ 1288
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 2204
+ regoperator
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10066
+ 1
+ 2204
+ regoperator
+ pg_catalog
+ 2203
+ regoper
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10079
+ 1
+ 1288
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 2205
+ regclass
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10075
+ 1
+ 2205
+ regclass
+ pg_catalog
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ binary
+ 10080
+ 1
+ 2205
+ regclass
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10093
+ 1
+ 1288
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 2206
+ regtype
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ binary
+ 10094
+ 1
+ 2206
+ regtype
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10089
+ 1
+ 2206
+ regtype
+ pg_catalog
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10146
+ 1
+ 3361
+ pg_ndistinct
+ pg_catalog
+ 17
+ bytea
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ io
+ 10147
+ 1
+ 3361
+ pg_ndistinct
+ pg_catalog
+ 25
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10148
+ 1
+ 3402
+ pg_dependencies
+ pg_catalog
+ 17
+ bytea
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ io
+ 10149
+ 1
+ 3402
+ pg_dependencies
+ pg_catalog
+ 25
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10096
+ 1
+ 3734
+ regconfig
+ pg_catalog
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10100
+ 1
+ 1288
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 3734
+ regconfig
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ binary
+ 10101
+ 1
+ 3734
+ regconfig
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10103
+ 1
+ 3769
+ regdictionary
+ pg_catalog
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ binary
+ 10108
+ 1
+ 3769
+ regdictionary
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10107
+ 1
+ 1288
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 3769
+ regdictionary
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ io
+ 10215
+ 1
+ 3802
+ jsonb
+ pg_catalog
+ 114
+ json
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10218
+ 1
+ 3450
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ 3802
+ jsonb
+ pg_catalog
+ 21
+ int2
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10220
+ 1
+ 3452
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 3802
+ jsonb
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10219
+ 1
+ 3451
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ 3802
+ jsonb
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10216
+ 1
+ 3556
+ bool
+ pg_catalog
+ 3802
+ jsonb
+ pg_catalog
+ 16
+ bool
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10221
+ 1
+ 3453
+ float4
+ pg_catalog
+ 3802
+ jsonb
+ pg_catalog
+ 700
+ float4
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10217
+ 1
+ 3449
+ numeric
+ pg_catalog
+ 3802
+ jsonb
+ pg_catalog
+ 1700
+ numeric
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10222
+ 1
+ 2580
+ float8
+ pg_catalog
+ 3802
+ jsonb
+ pg_catalog
+ 701
+ float8
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10223
+ 1
+ 4281
+ int4multirange
+ pg_catalog
+ 3904
+ int4range
+ pg_catalog
+ 4451
+ int4multirange
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10225
+ 1
+ 4284
+ nummultirange
+ pg_catalog
+ 3906
+ numrange
+ pg_catalog
+ 4532
+ nummultirange
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10227
+ 1
+ 4287
+ tsmultirange
+ pg_catalog
+ 3908
+ tsrange
+ pg_catalog
+ 4533
+ tsmultirange
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10228
+ 1
+ 4290
+ tstzmultirange
+ pg_catalog
+ 3910
+ tstzrange
+ pg_catalog
+ 4534
+ tstzmultirange
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10226
+ 1
+ 4293
+ datemultirange
+ pg_catalog
+ 3912
+ daterange
+ pg_catalog
+ 4535
+ datemultirange
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10224
+ 1
+ 4296
+ int8multirange
+ pg_catalog
+ 3926
+ int8range
+ pg_catalog
+ 4536
+ int8multirange
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ binary
+ 10124
+ 1
+ 4089
+ regnamespace
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10123
+ 1
+ 1288
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 4089
+ regnamespace
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10119
+ 1
+ 4089
+ regnamespace
+ pg_catalog
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ binary
+ 10117
+ 1
+ 4096
+ regrole
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10112
+ 1
+ 4096
+ regrole
+ pg_catalog
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10116
+ 1
+ 1288
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 4096
+ regrole
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ function
+ 10086
+ 1
+ 1288
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ 4191
+ regcollation
+ pg_catalog
+ 20
+ int8
+ pg_catalog
+ assignment
+ binary
+ 10087
+ 1
+ 4191
+ regcollation
+ pg_catalog
+ 23
+ int4
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10082
+ 1
+ 4191
+ regcollation
+ pg_catalog
+ 26
+ oid
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ binary
+ 10150
+ 1
+ 5017
+ pg_mcv_list
+ pg_catalog
+ 17
+ bytea
+ pg_catalog
+ implicit
+ io
+ 10151
+ 1
+ 5017
+ pg_mcv_list
+ pg_catalog
+ 25
+ text
+ pg_catalog
+ explicit
+ function
+ 10036
+ 1
+ 5071
+ xid
+ pg_catalog
+ 5069
+ xid8
+ pg_catalog
+ 28
+ xid
+ pg_catalog
+ PL/pgSQL procedural language
+ 13545
+ 683
+ 1.0
+ 11
+ pg_catalog
+ 13546
+ dynamically-loaded C functions
+ 13
+ 1
+ fmgr_c_validator
+ pg_catalog
+ built-in functions
+ 12
+ 1
+ fmgr_internal_validator
+ pg_catalog
+ PL/pgSQL procedural language
+ plpgsql_call_handler
+ pg_catalog
+ plpgsql_inline_handler
+ pg_catalog
+ 13549
+ 683
+ 1
+ plpgsql_validator
+ pg_catalog
+ SQL-language functions
+ 14
+ 1
+ 1
+ fmgr_sql_validator
+ pg_catalog
+ 13193
+ 529
+ postgres
+ system catalog schema
+ 11
+ 523
+ postgres
+ standard public schema
+ 1
+ 41831
+ 2024-05-05.03:47:26
+ 2200
+ 523
+ pg_database_owner
+ bigint|0s
+ 16396
+ 1
+ 1
+ 747
+ postgres
+ bigint|0s
+ 17069
+ 1
+ 1
+ 3790
+ postgres
+ bigint|0s
+ 16981
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1416
+ postgres
+ bigint|0s
+ 16402
+ 1
+ 1
+ 752
+ postgres
+ bigint|0s
+ 16408
+ 1
+ 1
+ 757
+ postgres
+ bigint|0s
+ 16414
+ 1
+ 1
+ 762
+ postgres
+ bigint|0s
+ 16426
+ 1
+ 1
+ 772
+ postgres
+ bigint|0s
+ 16438
+ 1
+ 1
+ 782
+ postgres
+ bigint|0s
+ 16444
+ 1
+ 1
+ 787
+ postgres
+ bigint|0s
+ 16450
+ 1
+ 1
+ 792
+ postgres
+ bigint|0s
+ 16456
+ 1
+ 1
+ 797
+ postgres
+ bigint|0s
+ 17805
+ 1
+ 1
+ 25805
+ postgres
+ bigint|0s
+ 18214
+ 1
+ 1
+ 39862
+ postgres
+ bigint|0s
+ 18203
+ 1
+ 1
+ 39859
+ postgres
+ 16391
+ 25784
+ 2
+ postgres
+ 17070
+ 25781
+ 2
+ postgres
+ 16982
+ 25777
+ 2
+ postgres
+ 16397
+ 25774
+ 2
+ postgres
+ 16403
+ 25770
+ 2
+ postgres
+ 16409
+ 25767
+ 2
+ postgres
+ 16421
+ 25764
+ 2
+ postgres
+ 17806
+ 25805
+ 2
+ postgres
+ 16433
+ 25757
+ 2
+ postgres
+ 16439
+ 25754
+ 2
+ postgres
+ 16445
+ 25751
+ 2
+ postgres
+ 18215
+ 39862
+ 2
+ postgres
+ 18204
+ 39862
+ 2
+ postgres
+ 16451
+ 25748
+ 2
+ postgres
+ bigint|0s
+ nextval('identity_account_contacts_id_seq'::regclass)
+ 1
+ 1
+ 800
+ 16396
+ 20
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 2
+ 745
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 3
+ 745
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 4
+ 745
+ 1184
+ smallint|0s
+ 5
+ 745
+ 21
+ text|0s
+ 6
+ 745
+ 25
+ boolean|0s
+ 7
+ 745
+ 16
+ boolean|0s
+ 8
+ 745
+ 16
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 9
+ 745
+ 1184
+ bigint|0s
+ 10
+ 745
+ 20
+ account_id
+ 16510
+ 860
+ 1
+ 16403
+ account_id
+ 17780
+ 25797
+ 1
+ 16403
+ id
+ 16468
+ 1
+ 833
+ 1
+ 403
+ content
+ 16490
+ 844
+ 1
+ 403
+ default
+ 100
+ pg_catalog
+ content
+ 17778
+ 25796
+ 1
+ 403
+ default
+ 100
+ pg_catalog
+ deleted_at
+ 16491
+ 845
+ 403
+ deleted_at
+ 17785
+ 25798
+ 403
+ 16469
+ 1
+ 833
+ 16468
+ 17779
+ 25796
+ 17778
+ bigint|0s
+ nextval('identity_account_friendships_id_seq'::regclass)
+ 1
+ 1
+ 3790
+ 17069
+ 20
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 2
+ 3790
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 3
+ 3790
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 4
+ 3790
+ 1184
+ bigint|0s
+ 5
+ 3790
+ 20
+ bigint|0s
+ 6
+ 3790
+ 20
+ smallint|0s
+ 7
+ 3790
+ 21
+ bigint|0s
+ 8
+ 7471
+ 20
+ account_id
+ 17076
+ 3790
+ 1
+ 16403
+ account_id
+ 17786
+ 25799
+ 1
+ 16403
+ related_id
+ 17081
+ 3790
+ 1
+ 16403
+ related_id
+ 17791
+ 25800
+ 1
+ 16403
+ id
+ 17074
+ 1
+ 3790
+ 1
+ 403
+ deleted_at
+ 17086
+ 3791
+ 403
+ deleted_at
+ 17796
+ 25801
+ 403
+ 17075
+ 1
+ 3790
+ 17074
+ bigint|0s
+ nextval('identity_account_pages_id_seq'::regclass)
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1416
+ 16981
+ 20
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 2
+ 1416
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 3
+ 1416
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 4
+ 1416
+ 1184
+ text|0s
+ 5
+ 1416
+ 25
+ text|0s
+ 6
+ 1416
+ 25
+ text|0s
+ 7
+ 1416
+ 25
+ jsonb|0s
+ 8
+ 1416
+ 3802
+ bigint|0s
+ 9
+ 1416
+ 20
+ account_id
+ 16990
+ 1416
+ 1
+ 16403
+ account_id
+ 17772
+ 25794
+ 1
+ 16403
+ id
+ 16988
+ 1
+ 1416
+ 1
+ 403
+ deleted_at
+ 16995
+ 1417
+ 403
+ deleted_at
+ 17777
+ 25795
+ 403
+ 16989
+ 1
+ 1416
+ 16988
+ bigint|0s
+ nextval('identity_account_profiles_id_seq'::regclass)
+ 1
+ 1
+ 801
+ 16402
+ 20
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 2
+ 750
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 3
+ 750
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 4
+ 750
+ 1184
+ text|0s
+ 5
+ 750
+ 25
+ text|0s
+ 6
+ 750
+ 25
+ bigint|0s
+ 7
+ 750
+ 20
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 8
+ 750
+ 1184
+ bigint|0s
+ 9
+ 750
+ 20
+ account_id
+ 16540
+ 866
+ 1
+ 16403
+ account_id
+ 17766
+ 25792
+ 1
+ 16403
+ id
+ 16470
+ 1
+ 834
+ 1
+ 403
+ deleted_at
+ 16492
+ 846
+ 403
+ deleted_at
+ 17771
+ 25793
+ 403
+ 16471
+ 1
+ 834
+ 16470
+ bigint|0s
+ nextval('identity_accounts_id_seq'::regclass)
+ 1
+ 1
+ 802
+ 16408
+ 20
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 2
+ 755
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 3
+ 755
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 4
+ 755
+ 1184
+ text|0s
+ 5
+ 755
+ 25
+ text|0s
+ 6
+ 755
+ 25
+ text|0s
+ 7
+ 755
+ 25
+ text|0s
+ 8
+ 755
+ 25
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 9
+ 755
+ 1184
+ bigint|0s
+ 10
+ 755
+ 20
+ text|0s
+ 11
+ 755
+ 25
+ id
+ 16472
+ 1
+ 835
+ 1
+ 403
+ name
+ 16494
+ 848
+ 1
+ 403
+ default
+ 100
+ pg_catalog
+ name
+ 17757
+ 25788
+ 1
+ 403
+ default
+ 100
+ pg_catalog
+ deleted_at
+ 16493
+ 847
+ 403
+ deleted_at
+ 17759
+ 25789
+ 403
+ 16473
+ 1
+ 835
+ 16472
+ 17758
+ 25788
+ 17757
+ bigint|0s
+ nextval('identity_action_events_id_seq'::regclass)
+ 1
+ 1
+ 803
+ 16414
+ 20
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 2
+ 760
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 3
+ 760
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 4
+ 760
+ 1184
+ text|0s
+ 5
+ 760
+ 25
+ text|0s
+ 6
+ 760
+ 25
+ text|0s
+ 7
+ 760
+ 25
+ text|0s
+ 8
+ 760
+ 25
+ text|0s
+ 9
+ 760
+ 25
+ bigint|0s
+ 10
+ 760
+ 20
+ account_id
+ 16515
+ 861
+ 1
+ 16403
+ account_id
+ 17831
+ 25809
+ 1
+ 16403
+ id
+ 16474
+ 1
+ 836
+ 1
+ 403
+ deleted_at
+ 16495
+ 849
+ 403
+ deleted_at
+ 17836
+ 25810
+ 403
+ 16475
+ 1
+ 836
+ 16474
+ bigint|0s
+ nextval('identity_auth_factors_id_seq'::regclass)
+ 1
+ 1
+ 805
+ 16426
+ 20
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 2
+ 770
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 3
+ 770
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 4
+ 770
+ 1184
+ smallint|0s
+ 5
+ 770
+ 21
+ text|0s
+ 6
+ 770
+ 25
+ jsonb|0s
+ 7
+ 770
+ 3802
+ bigint|0s
+ 8
+ 770
+ 20
+ account_id
+ 16520
+ 862
+ 1
+ 16403
+ account_id
+ 17760
+ 25790
+ 1
+ 16403
+ id
+ 16478
+ 1
+ 838
+ 1
+ 403
+ deleted_at
+ 16497
+ 851
+ 403
+ deleted_at
+ 17765
+ 25791
+ 403
+ 16479
+ 1
+ 838
+ 16478
+ bigint|0s
+ nextval('passport_auth_tickets_id_seq'::regclass)
+ 1
+ 1
+ 25805
+ 17805
+ 20
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 2
+ 25805
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 3
+ 25805
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 4
+ 25805
+ 1184
+ text|0s
+ 5
+ 25805
+ 25
+ text|0s
+ 6
+ 25805
+ 25
+ text|0s
+ 7
+ 25805
+ 25
+ boolean|0s
+ 8
+ 25805
+ 16
+ boolean|0s
+ 9
+ 25805
+ 16
+ jsonb|0s
+ 10
+ 25805
+ 3802
+ jsonb|0s
+ 11
+ 25805
+ 3802
+ text|0s
+ 12
+ 25805
+ 25
+ text|0s
+ 13
+ 25805
+ 25
+ text|0s
+ 14
+ 25805
+ 25
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 15
+ 25805
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 16
+ 25805
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 17
+ 25805
+ 1184
+ bigint|0s
+ 18
+ 25805
+ 20
+ bigint|0s
+ 19
+ 25805
+ 20
+ client_id
+ 17819
+ 25805
+ 1
+ 16451
+ account_id
+ 17814
+ 25805
+ 1
+ 16403
+ id
+ 1
+ 17812
+ 1
+ 25805
+ 1
+ 403
+ deleted_at
+ 17824
+ 25806
+ 403
+ 1
+ 17813
+ 1
+ 25805
+ 17812
+ bigint|0s
+ nextval('identity_magic_tokens_id_seq'::regclass)
+ 1
+ 1
+ 807
+ 16438
+ 20
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 2
+ 780
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 3
+ 780
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 4
+ 780
+ 1184
+ text|0s
+ 5
+ 780
+ 25
+ smallint|0s
+ 6
+ 780
+ 21
+ bigint|0s
+ 7
+ 780
+ 20
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 8
+ 780
+ 1184
+ assign_to
+ 16525
+ 863
+ 1
+ 16403
+ assign_to
+ 17825
+ 25807
+ 1
+ 16403
+ id
+ 16482
+ 1
+ 840
+ 1
+ 403
+ deleted_at
+ 16499
+ 853
+ 403
+ deleted_at
+ 17830
+ 25808
+ 403
+ 16483
+ 1
+ 840
+ 16482
+ bigint|0s
+ nextval('identity_notification_subscribers_id_seq'::regclass)
+ 1
+ 1
+ 808
+ 16444
+ 20
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 2
+ 785
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 3
+ 785
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 4
+ 785
+ 1184
+ text|0s
+ 5
+ 785
+ 25
+ text|0s
+ 6
+ 785
+ 25
+ text|0s
+ 7
+ 785
+ 25
+ bigint|0s
+ 8
+ 785
+ 20
+ account_id
+ 16535
+ 865
+ 1
+ 16403
+ account_id
+ 17850
+ 25815
+ 1
+ 16403
+ id
+ 16484
+ 1
+ 841
+ 1
+ 403
+ device_id
+ 16501
+ 855
+ 1
+ 403
+ default
+ 100
+ pg_catalog
+ device_id
+ 17848
+ 25814
+ 1
+ 403
+ default
+ 100
+ pg_catalog
+ deleted_at
+ 16500
+ 854
+ 403
+ deleted_at
+ 17855
+ 25816
+ 403
+ 16485
+ 1
+ 841
+ 16484
+ 17849
+ 25814
+ 17848
+ bigint|0s
+ nextval('identity_notifications_id_seq'::regclass)
+ 1
+ 1
+ 809
+ 16450
+ 20
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 2
+ 790
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 3
+ 790
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 4
+ 790
+ 1184
+ text|0s
+ 5
+ 790
+ 25
+ text|0s
+ 6
+ 790
+ 25
+ jsonb|0s
+ 7
+ 790
+ 3802
+ boolean|0s
+ 8
+ 790
+ 16
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 9
+ 790
+ 1184
+ bigint|0s
+ 10
+ 790
+ 20
+ bigint|0s
+ 11
+ 790
+ 20
+ sender_id
+ 16560
+ 870
+ 1
+ 16451
+ sender_id
+ 17837
+ 25811
+ 1
+ 16451
+ recipient_id
+ 16530
+ 864
+ 1
+ 16403
+ recipient_id
+ 17842
+ 25812
+ 1
+ 16403
+ id
+ 16486
+ 1
+ 842
+ 1
+ 403
+ deleted_at
+ 16502
+ 856
+ 403
+ deleted_at
+ 17847
+ 25813
+ 403
+ 16487
+ 1
+ 842
+ 16486
+ bigint|0s
+ nextval('passport_realm_members_id_seq'::regclass)
+ 1
+ 1
+ 39862
+ 18214
+ 20
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 2
+ 39862
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 3
+ 39862
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 4
+ 39862
+ 1184
+ bigint|0s
+ 5
+ 39862
+ 20
+ bigint|0s
+ 6
+ 39862
+ 20
+ bigint|0s
+ 7
+ 39862
+ 20
+ realm_id
+ 18226
+ 39862
+ 1
+ 18204
+ account_id
+ 18232
+ 39898
+ 1
+ 16403
+ account_id
+ 18221
+ 39862
+ 1
+ 16403
+ id
+ 1
+ 18219
+ 1
+ 39862
+ 1
+ 403
+ deleted_at
+ 18231
+ 39863
+ 403
+ 1
+ 18220
+ 1
+ 39862
+ 18219
+ bigint|0s
+ nextval('passport_realms_id_seq'::regclass)
+ 1
+ 1
+ 39859
+ 18203
+ 20
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 2
+ 39859
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 3
+ 39859
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 4
+ 39859
+ 1184
+ text|0s
+ 5
+ 39859
+ 25
+ text|0s
+ 6
+ 39859
+ 25
+ text|0s
+ 7
+ 39859
+ 25
+ boolean|0s
+ 8
+ 39859
+ 16
+ boolean|0s
+ 9
+ 39859
+ 16
+ bigint|0s
+ 10
+ 39859
+ 20
+ id
+ 1
+ 18210
+ 1
+ 39859
+ 1
+ 403
+ alias
+ 18212
+ 39860
+ 1
+ 403
+ default
+ 100
+ pg_catalog
+ deleted_at
+ 18213
+ 39861
+ 403
+ 1
+ 18211
+ 1
+ 39859
+ 18210
+ bigint|0s
+ nextval('identity_third_clients_id_seq'::regclass)
+ 1
+ 1
+ 810
+ 16456
+ 20
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 2
+ 795
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 3
+ 795
+ 1184
+ timestamp with time zone|0s
+ 4
+ 795
+ 1184
+ text|0s
+ 5
+ 795
+ 25
+ text|0s
+ 6
+ 795
+ 25
+ text|0s
+ 7
+ 795
+ 25
+ text|0s
+ 8
+ 795
+ 25
+ jsonb|0s
+ 9
+ 795
+ 3802
+ jsonb|0s
+ 10
+ 795
+ 3802
+ boolean|0s
+ 11
+ 795
+ 16
+ bigint|0s
+ 12
+ 795
+ 20
+ account_id
+ 16550
+ 868
+ 1
+ 16403
+ account_id
+ 17799
+ 25803
+ 1
+ 16403
+ id
+ 16488
+ 1
+ 843
+ 1
+ 403
+ alias
+ 16503
+ 857
+ 1
+ 403
+ default
+ 100
+ pg_catalog
+ alias
+ 17797
+ 25802
+ 1
+ 403
+ default
+ 100
+ pg_catalog
+ deleted_at
+ 16504
+ 858
+ 403
+ deleted_at
+ 17804
+ 25804
+ 403
+ 16489
+ 1
+ 843
+ 16488
+ 17798
+ 25802
+ 17797
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.idea/dataSources/723637bc-6ce3-4bbe-afb3-d88730c75a1b/storage_v2/_src_/database/passport.EoyGSA.meta b/.idea/dataSources/723637bc-6ce3-4bbe-afb3-d88730c75a1b/storage_v2/_src_/database/passport.EoyGSA.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34548cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/dataSources/723637bc-6ce3-4bbe-afb3-d88730c75a1b/storage_v2/_src_/database/passport.EoyGSA.meta
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.idea/dataSources/723637bc-6ce3-4bbe-afb3-d88730c75a1b/storage_v2/_src_/database/passport.EoyGSA/schema/public.abK9xQ.meta b/.idea/dataSources/723637bc-6ce3-4bbe-afb3-d88730c75a1b/storage_v2/_src_/database/passport.EoyGSA/schema/public.abK9xQ.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25fb2ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.idea/dataSources/723637bc-6ce3-4bbe-afb3-d88730c75a1b/storage_v2/_src_/database/passport.EoyGSA/schema/public.abK9xQ.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+! [41831, 0, null, null, -2147483648, -2147483648]
diff --git a/.idea/workspace.xml b/.idea/workspace.xml
index 6a1bc4d..9186299 100644
--- a/.idea/workspace.xml
+++ b/.idea/workspace.xml
@@ -4,10 +4,11 @@
@@ -149,7 +150,8 @@
diff --git a/pkg/server/notify_ws.go b/pkg/server/notify_ws.go
index d33f91f..2c1615f 100644
--- a/pkg/server/notify_ws.go
+++ b/pkg/server/notify_ws.go
@@ -4,14 +4,13 @@ import (
- "github.com/samber/lo"
func listenNotifications(c *websocket.Conn) {
user := c.Locals("principal").(models.Account)
// Push connection
- services.WsConn[user.ID] = append(services.WsConn[user.ID], c)
+ services.ClientRegister(user, c)
// Event loop
var err error
@@ -22,7 +21,5 @@ func listenNotifications(c *websocket.Conn) {
// Pop connection
- services.WsConn[user.ID] = lo.Filter(services.WsConn[user.ID], func(item *websocket.Conn, idx int) bool {
- return item != c
- })
+ services.ClientUnregister(user, c)
diff --git a/pkg/services/connections.go b/pkg/services/connections.go
index 7eac47b..8be108e 100644
--- a/pkg/services/connections.go
+++ b/pkg/services/connections.go
@@ -5,13 +5,18 @@ import (
-type WsPushRequest struct {
- Payload []byte
- RecipientID uint
+var wsConn = make(map[uint]map[*websocket.Conn]bool)
+func ClientRegister(user models.Account, conn *websocket.Conn) {
+ if wsConn[user.ID] == nil {
+ wsConn[user.ID] = make(map[*websocket.Conn]bool)
+ }
+ wsConn[user.ID][conn] = true
-var WsConn = make(map[uint][]*websocket.Conn)
-func CheckOnline(user models.Account) bool {
- return len(WsConn[user.ID]) > 0
+func ClientUnregister(user models.Account, conn *websocket.Conn) {
+ if wsConn[user.ID] == nil {
+ wsConn[user.ID] = make(map[*websocket.Conn]bool)
+ }
+ delete(wsConn[user.ID], conn)
diff --git a/pkg/services/notifications.go b/pkg/services/notifications.go
index 58d1941..ceb2a1a 100644
--- a/pkg/services/notifications.go
+++ b/pkg/services/notifications.go
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ func NewNotification(notification models.Notification) error {
func PushNotification(notification models.Notification) error {
raw, _ := jsoniter.Marshal(notification)
- for _, conn := range WsConn[notification.RecipientID] {
+ for conn := range wsConn[notification.RecipientID] {
_ = conn.WriteMessage(1, raw)