id = "passport01" name = "Goatpass" maintainer = "Solsynth LLC" bind = "" grpc_bind = "" domain = "localhost" secret = "LtTjzAGFLshwXhN4ZD4nG5KlMv1MWcsvfv03TSZYnT1VhiAnLIZFTnHUwR0XhGgi" apns_topic = "dev.solsynth.solian.Runner" apns_credentials = "" apns_credentials_team = "000000000" apns_credentials_key = "000000000" firebase_credentials = "" use_registration_magic_token = false [debug] database = false print_routes = false [consul] addr = "" srv_serve = "" srv_http = "" # Uses host LAN ip so that can accessed by consul in the container [paperclip] endpoint = "http://localhost:8443" grpc_endpoint = "localhost:7443" [mailer] name = "Alphabot " smtp_host = "" smtp_port = 465 username = "" password = "gz937Zxxzfcd9SeH" [security] cookie_domain = "localhost" cookie_samesite = "Lax" auto_signoff_duration = 86400 access_token_duration = 300 refresh_token_duration = 2592000 [database] dsn = "host=localhost user=postgres password=password dbname=hy_passport port=5432 sslmode=disable" prefix = "passport_" [permissions.default] CreatePaperclipAttachments = 1048576 [permissions.verified] CreatePaperclipAttachments = 26214400