package services import ( "errors" "fmt" "" "" "" ) func ListAllRelationship(user models.Account) ([]models.AccountRelationship, error) { var relationships []models.AccountRelationship if err := database.C. Where("account_id = ?", user.ID). Preload("Account"). Preload("Related"). Find(&relationships).Error; err != nil { return relationships, err } return relationships, nil } func ListRelationshipWithFilter(user models.Account, status models.RelationshipStatus) ([]models.AccountRelationship, error) { var relationships []models.AccountRelationship if err := database.C. Where("account_id = ? AND status = ?", user.ID, status). Preload("Account"). Preload("Related"). Find(&relationships).Error; err != nil { return relationships, err } return relationships, nil } func GetRelationship(otherId uint) (models.AccountRelationship, error) { var relationship models.AccountRelationship if err := database.C. Where(&models.AccountRelationship{AccountID: otherId}). Preload("Account"). Preload("Related"). First(&relationship).Error; err != nil { return relationship, err } return relationship, nil } func GetRelationWithTwoNode(userId, relatedId uint, noPreload ...bool) (models.AccountRelationship, error) { var tx *gorm.DB if len(noPreload) > 0 && noPreload[0] { tx = database.C } else { tx = database.C.Preload("Account").Preload("Related") } var relationship models.AccountRelationship if err := tx. Where(&models.AccountRelationship{AccountID: userId, RelatedID: relatedId}). First(&relationship).Error; err != nil { return relationship, err } return relationship, nil } func NewFriend(userA models.Account, userB models.Account, skipPending ...bool) (models.AccountRelationship, error) { relA := models.AccountRelationship{ AccountID: userA.ID, RelatedID: userB.ID, Status: models.RelationshipFriend, } relB := models.AccountRelationship{ AccountID: userB.ID, RelatedID: userA.ID, Status: models.RelationshipPending, } if len(skipPending) > 0 && skipPending[0] { relB.Status = models.RelationshipFriend } if userA.ID == userB.ID { return relA, fmt.Errorf("you cannot make friendship with yourself") } else if _, err := GetRelationWithTwoNode(userA.ID, userB.ID, true); err == nil || !errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) { return relA, fmt.Errorf("you already have a friendship with him or her") } if err := database.C.Save(&relA).Error; err != nil { return relA, err } else if err = database.C.Save(&relB).Error; err != nil { return relA, err } else { _ = NewNotification(models.Notification{ Title: fmt.Sprintf("New friend request from %s", userA.Name), Body: fmt.Sprintf("You got a new friend request from %s. Go to your settings and decide how to deal it.", userA.Nick), AccountID: userB.ID, }) } return relA, nil } func EditRelationship(relationship models.AccountRelationship) (models.AccountRelationship, error) { if err := database.C.Save(&relationship).Error; err != nil { return relationship, err } return relationship, nil } func DeleteRelationship(relationship models.AccountRelationship) error { if err := database.C.Delete(&relationship).Error; err != nil { return err } return nil }