import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:drift/drift.dart'; import 'package:get/get.dart' hide Value; import 'package:get/get_connect/http/src/request/request.dart'; import 'package:rhythm_box/providers/auth.dart'; import 'package:rhythm_box/providers/database.dart'; import 'package:rhythm_box/providers/user_preferences.dart'; import 'package:rhythm_box/services/database/database.dart'; import 'package:spotify/spotify.dart'; import 'package:rhythm_box/services/sourced_track/enums.dart'; import 'package:rhythm_box/services/sourced_track/exceptions.dart'; import 'package:rhythm_box/services/sourced_track/models/source_info.dart'; import 'package:rhythm_box/services/sourced_track/models/source_map.dart'; import 'package:rhythm_box/services/sourced_track/sourced_track.dart'; class NeteaseSourceInfo extends SourceInfo { NeteaseSourceInfo({ required, required super.title, required super.artist, required super.thumbnail, required super.pageUrl, required super.duration, required super.artistUrl, required super.album, }); } class NeteaseSourcedTrack extends SourcedTrack { NeteaseSourcedTrack({ required super.source, required super.siblings, required super.sourceInfo, required super.track, }); static String getBaseUrl() { final preferences = Get.find().state.value; return preferences.neteaseApiInstance; } static GetConnect getClient() { final client = GetConnect( withCredentials: true, timeout: const Duration(seconds: 30), ); client.baseUrl = getBaseUrl(); client.httpClient.addRequestModifier((Request request) async { final AuthenticationProvider auth = Get.find(); if (auth.auth.value?.neteaseCookie != null) { final cookie = 'MUSIC_U=${auth.auth.value!.getNeteaseCookie('MUSIC_U')}'; if (request.headers['Cookie'] == null) { request.headers['Cookie'] = cookie; } else { request.headers['Cookie'] = request.headers['Cookie']! + cookie; } } return request; }); return client; } static String? _lookedUpRealIp; static Future lookupRealIp() async { if (_lookedUpRealIp != null) return _lookedUpRealIp!; const ipCheckUrl = ''; final client = GetConnect(timeout: const Duration(seconds: 30)); final resp = await client.get(ipCheckUrl); _lookedUpRealIp = resp.body; return _lookedUpRealIp!; } static Future fetchFromTrack({ required Track track, }) async { final DatabaseProvider db = Get.find(); final cachedSource = await ( ..where((s) => s.trackId.equals(!)) ..limit(1) ..orderBy([ (s) => OrderingTerm(expression: s.createdAt, mode: OrderingMode.desc), ])) .get() .then((s) => s.firstOrNull); if (cachedSource == null || cachedSource.sourceType != SourceType.netease) { final siblings = await fetchSiblings(track: track); if (siblings.isEmpty) { throw TrackNotFoundError(track); } final client = getClient(); final checkResp = await client.get( '/check/music?id=${}&realIP=${await lookupRealIp()}', ); if (checkResp.body['success'] != true) throw TrackNotFoundError(track); await db.database.into(db.database.sourceMatchTable).insert( SourceMatchTableCompanion.insert( trackId:!, sourceId:, sourceType: const Value(SourceType.netease), ), mode: InsertMode.insertOrReplace, ); return NeteaseSourcedTrack( siblings: =>, source: siblings.first.source as SourceMap, sourceInfo:, track: track, ); } else if (cachedSource.sourceType != SourceType.netease) { final out = await SourcedTrack.reRoutineFetchFromTrack(track, cachedSource); if (out == null) throw TrackNotFoundError(track); return out; } final client = getClient(); final resp = await client.get('/song/detail?ids=${cachedSource.sourceId}'); if (resp.body?['songs'] == null) throw TrackNotFoundError(track); final item = (resp.body['songs'] as List).firstOrNull; if (item == null) throw TrackNotFoundError(track); final checkResp = await client.get( '/check/music?id=${item['id']}&realIP=${await lookupRealIp()}', ); if (checkResp.body['success'] != true) throw TrackNotFoundError(track); return NeteaseSourcedTrack( siblings: [], source: toSourceMap(item), sourceInfo: NeteaseSourceInfo( id: item['id'].toString(), artist: item['ar'].map((x) => x['name']).join(','), artistUrl: '${item['ar'][0]['id']}', pageUrl: '${item['id']}', thumbnail: item['al']['picUrl'], title: item['name'], duration: Duration(milliseconds: item['dt']), album: item['al']['name'], ), track: track, ); } static SourceMap toSourceMap(dynamic manifest) { final baseUrl = getBaseUrl(); // Due to netease may provide m4a, mp3 and others, we cannot decide this so mock this data. return SourceMap( m4a: SourceQualityMap( high: '$baseUrl/song/url?id=${manifest['id']}', medium: '$baseUrl/song/url?id=${manifest['id']}&br=192000', low: '$baseUrl/song/url?id=${manifest['id']}&br=128000', ), weba: SourceQualityMap( high: '$baseUrl/song/url?id=${manifest['id']}', medium: '$baseUrl/song/url?id=${manifest['id']}&br=192000', low: '$baseUrl/song/url?id=${manifest['id']}&br=128000', ), ); } static Future> fetchSiblings({ required Track track, }) async { final query = SourcedTrack.getSearchTerm(track); final client = getClient(); final resp = await client.get( '/search?keywords=${Uri.encodeComponent(query)}&realIP=${await NeteaseSourcedTrack.lookupRealIp()}', ); if (resp.body?['code'] == 405) throw TrackNotFoundError(track); final results = resp.body['result']['songs']; // We can just trust netease music for now // If we need to check is the result correct, refer to this code // final matchedResults =; return matchedResults.cast(); } @override Future copyWithSibling() async { if (siblings.isNotEmpty) { return this; } final fetchedSiblings = await fetchSiblings(track: this); return NeteaseSourcedTrack( siblings: fetchedSiblings .where((s) => != .map((s) => .toList(), source: source, sourceInfo: sourceInfo, track: this, ); } @override Future swapWithSibling(SourceInfo sibling) async { if (sibling is! NeteaseSourceInfo) { return reRoutineSwapSiblings(sibling); } if ( == { return null; } // a sibling source that was fetched from the search results final isStepSibling = siblings.none((s) => ==; final newSourceInfo = isStepSibling ? sibling : siblings.firstWhere((s) => ==; final newSiblings = siblings.where((s) => != ..insert(0, sourceInfo); final client = getClient(); final resp = await client.get('/song/detail?ids=${}'); final item = (resp.body['songs'] as List).first; final (:info, :source) = toSiblingType(item); final db = Get.find(); await db.database.into(db.database.sourceMatchTable).insert( SourceMatchTableCompanion.insert( trackId: id!, sourceId:, sourceType: const Value(SourceType.netease), // Because we're sorting by createdAt in the query // we have to update it to indicate priority createdAt: Value(, ), mode: InsertMode.replace, ); return NeteaseSourcedTrack( siblings: newSiblings, source: source!, sourceInfo: info, track: this, ); } static NeteaseSourceInfo toSourceInfo(dynamic item) { final firstArtist = item['ar'] != null ? item['ar'][0] : item['artists'][0]; return NeteaseSourceInfo( id: item['id'].toString(), artist: item['ar'] != null ? item['ar'].map((x) => x['name']).join(',') : item['artists'].map((x) => x['name']).toString(), artistUrl: '${firstArtist['id']}', pageUrl: '${item['id']}', thumbnail: item['al']?['picUrl'] ?? '', title: item['name'], duration: item['dt'] != null ? Duration(milliseconds: item['dt']) : Duration(milliseconds: item['duration']), album: item['al']?['name'], ); } static SiblingType toSiblingType(dynamic item) { final SiblingType sibling = ( info: toSourceInfo(item), source: toSourceMap(item), ); return sibling; } }