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Roadmap of CodingLand
- Finish LandEngine first (
Roadmap of LandEngine
LandEngine is a simple game engine that written is golang, it based on SDL2 and cgo bindings. It makes the way to use SDL2 way more simple and efficiency.
- Objects
- BaseObject
- PositionedObject
- DrawableObject
- InteractableObject
- CollidableObject
- RigidBodyObject
- Widgets(UI)
- BaseWidget
- ButtonWidget
- InputWidget
- ListWidget
- PanelWidget
- Containers(VBox, HBox, sort of boxes)
- Overlay of Widgets
- Make all of them look GREAT
- Context
- Creating context
- Storing values in context
- Passing content all the way down
- Multiplayer(Network)
- To be determined...
- Platform
- Desktop
- Android
- iOS
- Web
Other systems and features are to be determined. Based on the usage of CodingLand.